Use none, support none
Gorgeous! All of them! Great shots.
Thank you.
Hmm. Maybe i should go and volunteer for giving computer classes.
PowerPoint is turing complete in the animations.
You know, if you want to put an interviewee through hell.
Statistics where you substitute knowledge with power?
Exciting moment!
A man is usually considered straight when they are attracted to women
Stylistically more aligned with the intro of in the hall of the mountain king, I'd say, but a song.
Germany, France
Get a good enough portrait lens and also an adapter to flip it around for cheap extreme macro pictures
Scholz was one of the people pivotal to removing the passage about socialism from the SPD manifesto.
"Im August 2003 vor dem 140. Jahrestag der SPD schlug der damalige Generalsekretär Olaf Scholz vor, den Begriff ganz aus dem künftigen SPD-Grundsatzprogramm zu streichen:[46]
„Es gibt keinen Zustand mit diesem Namen, der auf unsere marktwirtschaftlich geprägte Demokratie folgen wird. Deshalb sollten wir nicht solche Illusionen erzeugen.“"
Love them, as always! Are they in reverse chronological order? If so, it looks like the bird is loading themselves like a spring before taking off.