
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Cool! Another rabbit hole to explore. Thanks for posting.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Learned about two cool tools through this article and the comments posted there:

  1. for automating tasks on OS level
  2. for Android screen sharing/ recording and control

Using these together would be a very powerful toolkit for such purposes.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I'm really sad VR went the way it did over the past decade. I was blown away with the simplicity and affordability of it when Google Cardboard launched. The standalone VR devices of today could have been just our current phones put inside head mounted brackets: easily available to most of us for cheap.

Besides gaming, VR has loads of cool educational uses. I find myself repeatedly going back to Google Earth VR on my Vive just to explore (both in 3D and street view mode) random places that I might never visit in real life.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Lol, i was going to post the same question one of these days. I too am almost on the same version and I was hoping some kind soul would help me out.

On top of it I'm not very well versed with docker backups so I'm doubly scared. What I am going to do is to take a mirror image of my whole OS drive in my zfs mount that I use as backup, give a release notes a glance and go YOLO based on what I can make out.

Your post gives me a lot of hope. Thank you!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I used to use Selenium extension on Chrome to test my applications for Chrome compatibility. Chrome said they are disabling it now. Do you not want web applications to be easily tested for Chrome compatibility, Google?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Asking a person with a sweet tooth to choose between sweet dishes is unfair. I sided with halwa because of its versatility and relative ease of cooking. Basundi is mostly condensed milk so it is more of a dessert while halwa with its carbs can make it a complete meal. But why compare? Let me cook halwa, you cook basundi... let's share and double the fun.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Indian with a sweet tooth here. My vote goes to Halwa. It is a broad category of sweet dishes that can be made using different ingredients and each one of them are delicious in their own ways. They range from quick ones made of whole wheat flour, samolina or gram flour to tedious carrot and dry fruit ones. A bowl of home made Halwa is the very definition of comfort food for me.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I hope it works out for you. It would be nice if you put in a comment back here in this thread once you do for someone in future to know if it works or not. I'll be curious for sure.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

One of my favourite YouTube DIYer NightHawkInLight has a detailed video on it. I'm not sure if it will work for your exact case, but I think I would have gone the same way if I was in your shoes.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

You may also look into Link cables that are sold for VR headsets like Quest/Oculus. I had one at office for a VR project and while I did not use it for charging phones specifically, the build quality is great and takes physical abuses quite well, besides being not all that expensive.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I have mine from all my grades from primary to high school. My father wrote an analysis on the back of one after the term had ended and what I could have done for the grades to be better: basically to make tiny little improvements consistently throughout the year. I have come a long way but I still try to follow it.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Since no one has commented, let me be the first to say that the photo you shared looks really cool!


They have an Android tablet of their own that I've configuredb strictly for child use and it has helped them learn many things easily using apps such as Khan Academy Kids and Duolingo Kids. There is precious little beyond that that is not not infested with ads or needs subscriptions that are bound to cost a lot in the long run.

I have an old machine with Debian connected to my TV that I can also attach a PS3 controller to, if needed. What software can I explore in the Debian world that can help my child continue her learning journey. I'm open to suggestions not just for learning tools, but also for games that might help.

PS: they get plenty of outside time too, so that's not a worry. I just want them to explore things and discover things they might like. I'm amazed by their ability of assimilate stuff so any help about diverse things like gamified music theory, art, logic will be highly appreciated.



I just watched Apollo 10 1/2, a Jack Black narrated story of how it was like living as a child, in Houston when the moon mission was in full swing.

I found it intriguing and set me thinking: most movies exaggerate/glamorise things around their stories. Maybe they have to, to make the movies interesting.

But what are some movies that, kind of, provide a, kind of, window peep into a place/time. An 'authentic' representation of it, as close to how you saw/experienced it? Maybe you could expand it to include the travel documentaries/vlogs too because I find that most of them choose only the highlights of a place and look away from the mundane.



I have self hosted immich on Debian on my homelab. I have also setup tailscale to be able to access it outside my home.

Sometime ago, I was able to purchase a domain of my choice from GoDaddy. While I am used to hosting stuff on Linux, I've never exposed it for access publicly. I want to do that now.

Is it something I can do within tailscale or do I need to setup something like cloudflare? What should I be searching for to learn and implement? What precautions to take? I would like to keep the tailscale thing too.

PS: I would like to host immich as a subdomain like


submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have set up a refurbished PC as a media PC with storage. The OS, Debian, is on an m.2 nvme disk of 256 GB. I have connected 2x4TB risks in zfs mirror mode to store my media.

Off late, while booting, I've noticed some messages that suggest that the health of nvme disk is not good. Searching the error, i realised that I should not rely on it. I've done a number of tweaks to set up my system the way I like that I want to save by creating an image of the OS drive on a fresh nvme disk of same size that I have.

How do I go about doing it? I could boot using a live USB and create the image on the HDDs but the live USB OS won't recognise my zfs, right? Is using another external disk or another PC my only option here?

Thanks and cheers!

PS: The machine is a HP Elitedesk 800 G3 that has a wifi port that I've heard can be used as additional port for m.2 drives. Is it true?


I'm planning to construct a home sometime in the near future in hot, arid part of the country. Obviously, keeping the home cool is a major concern and I've been considering all available options.

One of the recurrent ideas discussed online is using geothermal cooling. But I think I don't have enough land to implement it. I have a related idea though.

Water supplied during set hours of the day by the municipality is fairly cool even during the summer months and it is a common practice around here to first let it collect in an underground tank and then pump it to the overhead tank as needed.

What if I create a closed loop system of circulating water with two car radiators: one in the underground tank, submerged in cool water and another in the living area of the home with a fan blowing behind it.

Do you think it'll cause perceptible change in room temperature if there is, say, a temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius between water and ambiance? I intend it to only reduce the load on the air conditioners and/or just delay the use of AC.

What kind of math/physics will be needed to assess if this is a feasibility? I tried looking hard but could not find anyone else discussing this idea, so I'm reaching out to you guys.

Thank you for your time.

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