That’s pretty cool - seems like a fairly involved project! How long did it all take you?
It kinda looks like a marigold to me. If the leaves are crunchy, it’s underwatered. There’s a chance that some of it is still alive so you may see some small growth start to pop up - but usually, everything that’s crunchy is totally dead. If it’s mushy or limp, it’s underwatered - which unfortunately is probably worse.
Ahh, yeah. Neither would I. I would expect my USB sticks to last longer than that, lol.
That aside - here’s a fun fact. We sell the NAND from scrapped SSDs that we no longer need for development to a third-party vendor that actually desolders it and uses it for flash drives. So… you never really know what kinda flash storage you get on your flash drives! (Or… we did do this, until the program recently got shuttered because NAND is so damn cheap now)
Just note that if you 3D print something, if you use the wrong material, there’s a chance it may melt.