only appeal to people who do not understand how generative ai works
An article claiming Musk is failing to manipulate his own project is hilarious regardless. I think you misunderstood why this appeals to some people
only appeal to people who do not understand how generative ai works
An article claiming Musk is failing to manipulate his own project is hilarious regardless. I think you misunderstood why this appeals to some people
I lived in the rust belt for over a decade and have spent the vast majority of my life in a very conservative district. I literally know farmers personally. I promise you I know what life is like for many of these people. It's nice to think that we could push or pull them but they're as willfully deluded as it gets. The number of people I know that could barely afford gas to get to work and then continue to vote Republican in deep red districts for decades as they stripped them of any kind of benefit is insane. There is no reaching out to them they already rejected reality. I've had so many conversations with individuals about politics in these areas and you can see them rejecting reality when you point out examples from their real life. They can help being uninformed and choose every day not to. They know the politicians they voted for took they're benefits and they're going to vote for them again because that's easier than facing the reality that they made their own bed. Trying to reach out to them is why the Dems are pushing right and trying to coax Republicans to their side and the willful indoctrination is why that has not, and never will, work. These are proudly ignorant people
they cannot help but be uninformed.
Bullshit. They've had way too long to figure out that reality doesn't match up with the news they're getting. It's just easier to not question it
What are you even trying to say? You're aware Israel already ended the ceasefire right?
Take California for instance:
If a qualified political party chooses to hold a modified-closed presidential primary, the party must notify the California Secretary of State no later than the 135th day before Election Day.
That is a deadline that was within days of passing. Do you think it's better to just not have your candidate show up on the ballot??
The way they run the primers is entirely up to them
Stop spreading misinformation just because it feels right. No it is not. That is just one deadline for one type of primary in one state. There are 50 different sets of regulations and deadlines for each state. You cannot believe your own bullshit at this point
Democrats do not make election laws. Those are an amalgamation of historic Federal and State policy. There are different requirements and deadlines per state to get on ballots. This isn't about a single party. They did not have time to run a primary. That is a massive undertaking, printing the ballots alone requires significant forethought. If the laws were different maybe they would have had time but that's totally irrelevant. We're not playing Calvinball we're talking about what could have happened.
Yes. If things worked differently then something different could have happened. What's your point? How does anything you said relate to the reality of the position Biden left Dems in?
Entire countries do it in 6 weeks when they know it's happening well ahead of time and both candidates start campaigning 6 weeks ahead of time. That's unfortunately not how US elections work.
That's ridiculous. Biden dropped out at the end of July. If you expect candidates to run a primary and a presidential campaign in 4 months, in America, you seriously misunderstand how informed the average voter is. People knowing who Kamala is is a big part of why she was the only valid candidate at the time
All I remember from that was the insanely cool art/concept and memory leaks. Did they fix the memory leaks or do we all just have enough RAM for it to not matter?
We think we'll be dead ya jackass