
joined 2 years ago
[–] DreamDrifter 4 points 6 months ago

That was due to additives to ethanol cleaning agents - it was a thing done on purpose

[–] DreamDrifter 3 points 8 months ago

Agreed - 8b has enough magic to hold a conversation and do small tasks, such as breaking up a large task or picking out key details, which can then be fed into more small models (maybe even more narrowly fine-tuned ones)

180b isn't enough to replace all the other pieces of a system that you need for autonomous action or memory

I think 8b models are enough to make AGI possible if we stack them just right. They're enough to fill in most of the gaps to make practical things too, and they're not that far off for everything else

[–] DreamDrifter 1 points 8 months ago

Can he though?

He might never have been a billionaire at any point, he's always been leveraged to the gills and bleeding money. Plus the fraud, making up fake names to call up Forbes to be declared a billionaire, and the fact he is constantly hustling (while campaigning and terminally old) for a few more million

Most of all, there's the fact that billionaires are only billionaires on paper. Their wealth would shrink massively if they can't time the sell-offs at the right time, most commonly known billionaires could keep the title selling for 10 cents on the dollar, but Trump isn't near that level no matter how you slice it

Mar a Lago is estimated at like 200-300m, his apartment is worth tens of millions, and pretty much everything else he only owns a partial stake in and is likely leveraged even if it could be cleanly sold. And who knows what other debt factors in - he's had a lot of failed projects and a lot of unpaid invoices

None of them are proof, but altogether it doesn't paint the picture of a billionaire - a billion dollars is a truly unthinkable amount of money, and I can't see a showoff like him not collecting things to brag about

I don't think he has it, or if he does it'd be a close thing

And to leave you with a final thought - Trump owns 3 guns, one of which he risked his freedom to hide away. What kind of billionaire both cares about guns enough to break parole (even if the prison risk was very unlikely), but also doesn't have a small armory professionally decorated just to show off?

[–] DreamDrifter 1 points 8 months ago

No, that's pretty accurate

Conservatives are the people selling myths like the morality of enlightened self interest, and liberals are the ones trying to make the current system fair

Leftists are the ones saying "holy fuck, come on guys, this is clearly insane. We grow way more than enough food for everyone, can we please start from deciding no one will starve and work backwards from there?"

[–] DreamDrifter 1 points 8 months ago

I wouldn't say further... They've been here for a while, now they're competing on how loudly they can say the quiet part out loud

[–] DreamDrifter 2 points 8 months ago

No, he should throw a bag of money at a deaf proctologist who doesn't use social media.

If he had a say over the operation, after 3-5 years they'd end up shoving a robotic arm up there so he could tweet faster

[–] DreamDrifter 7 points 8 months ago

Aside from not being Trump (which is a great trait), I know next to nothing about Harris. I know she's a former prosecutor, and might be able to identify her if she showed up at my door

What else should I know about her (and should I be hopeful of her pushing any meaningful progressive policies)?

[–] DreamDrifter 1 points 8 months ago

The people he was forced to pay for goods and services, he meant to stiff them

[–] DreamDrifter 2 points 11 months ago

More than that - you're supposed to fight it in court. Protesting doesn't do shit, you have to use the system against itself

[–] DreamDrifter 2 points 1 year ago

I love how he literally named things in his field of view for this. That speech certainly included words

[–] DreamDrifter 1 points 1 year ago

But they don't work at all - they're just playing with numbers, it's not actually accomplishing anything

Not only that, but the big green credit sellers are so fraudulent that they've been caught selling the same forest that already wasn't going to be developed multiple times over. A bunch of "green" companies had to take off their carbon neutral claims last year when it came out

I'm down with making the fines hurt though

[–] DreamDrifter 2 points 1 year ago

Because AI is amazing.

My friend wanted a scorecard to rate Rick and Morty episodes to determine if it's falling off - I could spend a few hours and maybe come up with something, but I wouldn't. My little assistant did it in a few seconds, with results good enough to motivate me and more of my friend group to join in

I was about to go back to my boss to tell him my task was impossible and could have killed the entire idea, but then I expressed my frustrations just to vent. To my surprise, it offered a very specific and relevant solution, despite having no access to anything beyond our chat logs - it wasn't quite right, but it got me on the right track, and 5 minutes later I found a solution

This shit is miracle technology. I'm running a very simple system I built myself, and it's still good enough to make my life measurably better. This needs to be in the hands of everyone asap, not through some service, but running under their own control

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