Geoff Keyleigh sucks ass anyway.
My experience with modern automatics is that they are dogshit and constantly changing gears at times that I don't need it to. Just a bit of a hill? Pull it out of overdrive. Very slightly accelerate on the highway? Put it in 2nd gear! Even really nice vehicles like the Toyota 4Runner have absolutely terrible auto transmissions. Just ruins the experience for me.
A couple of tunes I use when attempting to vibrationally-dismantle my car's trunk:
Promnite x Falcons - Riddim #1
Bro Safari feat. DJ Craze - Spooked - Just in time for Halloween too!
Pro tip: Avoid caffeine if you are an anxious person. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and my doctor told me to drop caffeine and holy crap that worked great as a quick fix. Still get anxiety a lot but its not nearly as bad as when I would drink coffee in the mornings. Also, getting off caffeine helped my energy levels dramatically. No more crash every day at around 2pm!
I do this all the time. I’m in the US and I like to smoke cigarettes when I drink. Can’t smoke inside so I just find an outdoor area, usually near a smoker’s post, and just start drinking. No hotel staff have ever mentioned it to me in the dozen-or-so times I’ve done it. I usually stay out pretty late too. Around midnight. Disclaimers: IANAL and I’m sure I could be ticketed or even arrested depending on the state if an officer saw me doing this.