
joined 2 years ago
[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago

I’m paraphrasing here: About 200K people canceled their WaPo subs after they failed to endorse. Bezos made $400M in the stock surge that happened after Agent Orange was elected.

So he made about $2K for every cancellation.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Is that the one Amazon purchased?

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

JD Vance fucked a couch, not a sofa.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

Please block this account.

2 posts 2 months ago. 1 post 1 month ago. Then a slew of posts starting 4 hours ago, all trolling.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago

If this is accurate, “…who is constantly picking on Lena for the slightest things, calling her weird, screaming at her in social situations and in athletics, saying she is useless…” then no.

This is a good opportunity to explain to your fam that this is not okay, and what she should do to distance herself from this manipulative and abusive person.

It starts with her self esteem.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 16 points 1 month ago

The Devil is in the details, and he needs to get the fuck out!

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

He’s gutting the government. There to keep us safe, among other things. He’s challenging enemies with Gaza. They’ll get riled up.

All he needs is another 9/11-type attack on U.S. soil to give him the political clout to disband the government. Most Americans, led by the MSM in his pocket, will demand that he take whatever actions are necessary…

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Not half. Not even a third.

But more than a third just didn’t vote…

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Please contact https://www.askadoctor.help/lp/health

I Googled free medical help and that came up. It’s an online chat with a medical professional.

[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It’s a bit more than that. The letterforms can’t be identical, which a scan would produce. The best example is Arial, a copy of Helvetica.


[–] Drunemeton@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

In the USofA a font is considered software. You cannot duplicate commercial software without violating the law.


Good morning everybody! I have a cheap 4-port USB-A hub connected to my Mac Studio, and after many issues where my computer won't wake up and then won't find the external boot drive, I've figured out that it's the USB hub!

Since it's USB-A it need not be fancy, or powered, etc., I just need it to not crash my computer. What do you use? Do you have any issues? Would you "recommend it to a friend"?

Thank in advance!


If you do an internet search for "Flem" you get:

Did you mean: phlegm

Listen to pronunciation. (flem) A more than normal amount of thick mucus made by the cells lining the upper airways and lungs. A buildup of phlegm may be caused by infection, irritation, or chronic lung disease, and can cause discomfort in the chest and coughing.

Also: phlegmy

n. 1. Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as during a cold or other respiratory infection. 2. One of the four humors of ancient and medieval physiology, thought to cause sluggishness, apathy, and evenness of temper.

So while the idea of this app sounds amazing you may be looking at a Brand Name problem due to undesired association with the above. (I'd never heard of #2 above, but that's a hard ask of people to associate your app/work with such an obscure reference instead of the common one.)

Note that "Wefwef" was rebranded as "Voyager" due to community feedback on "wefwef" being nonsensical. Turns out the dev. named it that initially because that's what his hand typed out on the keyboard since he really didn't have a name prepared.


I just downloaded one and, unless I'm missing something, the file is missing the usual, "Permission to print for personal use…." text.

Perhaps Paizo has a standard statement somewhere else that these can be printed? Without the ability to print these I'm unsure, outside of VTTs…maybe, what their use is for GMs.

I purchased one to try out, and was planning on having it printed on a large-format printer at Kinko's. However without that statement/release I can't see any commercial provider touching these for printing.


Just what the title says.

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