
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yea I really wish it wasn’t exclusive too. Such a unique game

The sequel shipped with a ton of bugs and a lot of the non-golf sports felt very shallow. If I remember correctly the devs announced it was delayed like a week before its original launch date then went radio silent for almost a year. Feels like something went wrong behind the scenes because last I checked they never put out any major patches to try to fix it up.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Golf Story is always a good time. It was one of those games I bought on a whim and fell in love with. Top down golf based RPG with a lot of humor and good pixel art. Have Yuzu on my Deck mainly to go back to Golf Story every once in a while.

They made a sequel called Sports Story that wasn’t nearly as fun.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Can’t really go wrong with any of their games but Infinifactory and EXAPUNKS are my favs.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Zachtronics is back!! Was bummed when they said they weren’t making anymore games, guess they just changed names.

They made some of the best programming games out there for anyone that hasn’t heard of them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Sorry I was a bit late! I’m grabbing the details now

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Oh wow that’s worrying if they’re getting hard to find.

They connect to the controller. You can get a little mixamp for Xbox controllers that lets you control volume, mix and a mute button. For PS it just plugs into the bottom of the controller with a standard aux cable. Not sure if there is something similar to the mixamp for PS5, don’t use a headset often on mine.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

I’ve had the same pair of a40s for probably eight years now and they’re still perfect. Never had issues.

They’re wired, I’ve always preferred not having to deal with batteries so perfect for me, but that may be a deal breaker for others. They’re $150 I think.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I’ve been hunting for a fair priced 4070 recently, they’re all $750-$1000 right now. But checking Amazon early in the mornings I’ve seen some 7900s and 4070s at/close to MSRP. They go quick but I managed to get a 4070 for $550 two days ago, worth a shot if you need one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Shows how much time I spent with that one. I just remembered enjoying it but started running into enemies that had all kinds of status effects and not liking getting blinded and slowed constantly. Need to get back to it eventually.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Like most others said. Dead Cells and Binding of Isaac are the top dogs. No matter what else I play I always circle back to one of those two eventually and get sucked in again. But some other lesser known ones that are good are:

Cursed to Golf - 2d golfing roguelike, no combat or anything. There’s a bunch of different cards to make the ball do different stuff. From a rocket ball you control after hitting to an ice ball that’ll freeze water hazards to a drill so you can tunnel through walls.

Oblivion Override - 2d with fast combat and a lot of perks and weapons that change things up. Perks from different “trees” have synergies that are a lot of fun.

Rogue Prince of Persia - 2d parkour style combat made by the folks that did most of Dead Cells post launch updates, still in early access but still fun.

Soundfall - not a true roguelike, top down rhythm shooter with random loot.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect - 2d with a boatload of different classes, different elemental perks that synergize and each class has different perks to add new melee combos

Curse of the Dead Gods - isometric with slower parry based combat, has some mechanics with light and dark that some folks don’t like. If there isn’t a light source nearby you can’t see traps and take extra damage but you can pull a torch out to light braziers or enemies on fire to illuminate the area.

Ravenswatch - same people that made Curse of the Dead Gods. Isometric with different classes and online co-op.

Voidigo - top down shooter with unique art and sound design. Lot of weapons and four or five different characters with unique abilities.

Have a Nice Death - 2d melee with nice movement, mechanics don’t seem as deep as others but still fun.

Dandy Ace - isometric with ranged combat. Magician that throws cards around, good selection of abilities.

Patch Quest - top down, hard to explain this one, might wanna watch a video to see how it plays.

Devil Slayer Raksasi - top down with a lot of elemental effects. Haven’t spent much time with it though.

Well this got a bit longer than I meant but they’re all solid, not sure if they’re all on Switch though.

One more, not a roguelike at all but Switch exclusive and a surprisingly awesome game. Golf Story, check it out.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Pretty much everything really. It’s basically a store and that’s it, no cool features that Steam has. They may have achievements now but not positive. Think it took two years just for them to add a shopping cart. They dump money on developers to release exclusively on Epic instead of spending it making a good experience for customers. No reviews, no forums, no workshop etc.

I grab the free games they offer every couple weeks and use Heroic to play them, not touching their launcher.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Little late but, thank you! Got it done.

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