What is this shit?
Does it have a chemical name of the compound or what is it exactly?
Hmm okay gotcha. I would very much like to get into the adhd meds resell market that should exist somewhere there. Some kind of crypto payment and shipping to parcel lockers. It has to be a thing
Yes I know that existence of this market is the very thing probably responsible for various shortages but what can you do
And I happen to be in EU so like there’s no way someone is gonna check on the border anything so I could find someone from any of the EU countries.
The only question is how as I said kill me I can’t do such things.
I known someone who could go on vacation to some place and already knew how to get every drug known to humankind on the first day there
I wouldn’t know how to find a drug dealer even if my life depended on it lol haha
Thanks for the monitoring advice. Do they usually sell things impure with contaminants? Just fillers?
Don't take me wrong. I just need to be skeptical of things I will need to take for quite a long time. I want to focus on safety and it just didn't sound like something that is established or well researched
My ideal approach to safety is: Researched long term effects, many trials, tried substances with known recommendations -> Reputable supplier with documented ingredients to avoid impurities -> Legal stuff like minimizing private data exposure -> Pre treatment health check -> Health monitoring
Weed is making things so much worse for me. Anxiety is my only drive in life to do boring stuff. And when its levels go down, my level of productivity plummets to the point of nothing is getting done anymore.
The frick is that hippy stuff? sounds like some load of bollocks no offense
Cmon I am not gonna blast myself with some experimental early stages drug candidates. Reasonable level of risk. I meant more legal risks. Health risks would preferably be equal to that of an official treatment. No experiments on living bodies nah that's for them lab rats.
I can handle explanations in court, make sweet eyes and go for a year of public service cleaning work but I don't think I can handle explanations at emergency room
I don’t know where you live but in some places of the world ISP couldn’t give a sack if you torrent or break into the fbi computers. Here All these local guys next door want is monthly cash and no angry calls during Christmas slowdowns
Someone sends some notice to them it probably would land straight into trash bin or would simply lay there unopened for years, irreversibly damaged with zero sugar coke
That is of course if the mailman manages to even deliver it. It could plainly disappear in the sorting center as if dematerialised by a chaotic force of underfunded bureaucracy.
Still I am convinced they just throw these into the trash or assign spam tag. Unless of course they are local movies then they are scared those ISP fresh CS students and maybe they will comply if they are sober and memory still isn’t completely ravaged by years of academic abu… pursuits
Cheating is against the rules and you shouldn’t do it
Yeah... I guess stimulants today were truly stimulating looking by the white hot intensity of my comments lol
ommgg, they are unreadable, so exhausting to even look at
As you know I am disgustingly wealthy being top 50 richest abigender as seen in shlorbes magazine but I am still going to use this recipe
This is how you save for the superyacht