The infuriating thing is Yves Guillemont does not pay the price, the people in that studio paid the price. Yves probably still shitting money and banking a big bonus.
English Version below
Yo, was für eine Ecke ist das denn 😆
Meine Frau schwört auf Orangenöl Reiniger, wenn ich mir das Schlamassel aber so ansehe: Ceranfeldschaber. Ich mein, schöner wird der Fahrkartenautomat eh nicht mehr. Möglicherweise auch schneller.
Aber vor allem: bleib wachsam! Nicht das die Stickergang dich beim sauber machen aufgreift. Oder die Bahn dich auf ner Kamera fest hält. Mindestens Halstuch oder was ähnliches.
What a spot! 😆
My wife swears by orangeoil based cleaner, but seeing this mess: glass scraper. Ticketmachine will not get prettier anyway, and probably is faster as well.
But most importantly: stay vigilant! Do not get spotted by the sticker gang. Or by Deutsche Vahn on any cameras. Wear a scarf or something similar.
Many attributed gains for the AfD with people voting out of protest. I think that explanation does not cut it anymore.
Over 30% of two German federal states voted far right out of conviction. You can no longer claim this is just protest. Wish I could say where it all went wrong, why a big chunk of east Germany rejects democracy and embraces this.
Dark days ahead for our democracy.
EDIT: the results in Saxony had to be corrected, robbing the AfD of the blocking minority size in parliament. Probably seeing a „they stole the vote“ form soon on social media.
Like others said, driver support for console controllers is pretty good through the board.
My suggestion: try them out, maybe in a local store on their demo stations (pretty regular around here at least) or by ordering and returning the one you don’t like.
I personally like the controller layout of the XBox controller more than the PlayStation one. But it comes down to preference. So definitely test drive to find the best suit for you.
For me it’s the size. Can not really trick my body to just swallow. „But that’s huge! We have to chomp on it to break it down! Trying to kill yourself by choking?“
That is so incredibly short sighted though that it makes me really mad. How does an underperforming game make shareholders happy? That it dropped this fiscal year and not the next?
I’m with you, I’m tired of this shit.
Said the commission that wanted (and probably still wants) to force applications to break their encryption for „law and order“…?
From what I understand it was withdrawn as a vote „in favor of the goals of the commission“ was not guaranteed. In part because Germany announced its decision to withdraw support yesterday. Seems to be standard behavior.
I think it’s an US thing. Have yet to encounter something like that in Europe.
Nala is a great apt frontend. It supports parallel downloads of packages and speeds up the whole process up a lot.
Not sure which commands irk you as too long. Nala makes a good overview of changes like which package is bumped to what version and where it stands now. So I basically only use
nala upgrade
and take it from there. Updates the sources, lists the diff for upgradable packages and ask me to go forward or abort.
No, not at all. But it sure as hell will not be labeled „domestic terrorism“.