Article 7 now! How much more "breaching of EU values" we need to see for something to be done? 😐
I hope not, but now Slovakia might jump in instead though.
Article 7 exists. It allows to suspend voting rights of a member state, if all other members vote for that. So far the EU is hesitant to use it, but as I see it, it is about damn time.
Fair enough. But maybe there were also people that were brought in by Google, that actually stayed after Google left again? Well, I guess it's hard to say 🤷♂️
Every time someone brings up xmpp and how Google extinguished it, I wonder if xmpp afterwards was somehow worse of than they would have been if Google never had embraced it. I don't know, but my gut feeling would be that Google mostly just extinguished whatever they brought in in the first place and in that case EEE would be harmless. Am I wrong? If so, please explain.
lol, this guy...
I hope our leaders get their shit together and (1) ramp up their support for Ukraine a lot and (2) work on making the EU more independent from the US (and others).
Germany doesn't have a FPTP system, and therefore is not a two-party system like the US. No party can form a government on their own and needs a coalition with at least one or two other parties.
Besides that the Bundesverfassungsgericht (the supreme court equivalent) is not corrupted like in the US and we just had a change to our constitution that is supposed to make it more resilient against being watered down (based on the authoritarian playbook we were able to observe in other countries in the past years, mainly Poland).
I could go on about differences between Germany and the US, but the bottom line is: We might have a problem in Germany, but it is an order of magnitude smaller than in the US, so saying stuff like "Look at Germany where the Nazis are about to be back in power", is just not something I can let stand.
To be fair the Nazis are projected to get around 20% of votes in the election (which will happen next Sunday). And as I see it, it still is unlikely (not impossible though) they would be part of a government. Yeah this is bad, but a long shot from an active fascist coup like in the US.
But it's on the other side of Ukraine and even if he would take over completely there, I'm pretty sure Ukraine would go into guerilla mode not exactly helping an invasion of Moldova. But it's russia after all, so better not reply on logic alone🙈
Also they might just deport you to some concentration camp in El Salvador for having the wrong tattoo and who knows if you can get out of there ever again. I wouldn't trust anyone saying "they would never do that to tourists" at this point.
Well, you won't see me entering the US anytime soon.