I work for an internet/phone company and… well, I try not to do this. Like, I kinda worry it comes off as unprofessional, ya know? But sometimes, you just see some shit. Like, I need the person who owns the house to understand that yes, the person who wired your house is a moron because no, wirenuts are not an acceptable way to splice cat5e ethernet runs.
Personally, I remember chrome always flash banging me when on a website with a dark background and I clicked to the next page because apparently clearing the page to the same RGB value as what is set as the HTML background is too hard so they just always clear with pure white. But they did have a faster JS engine. Not sure anymore, haven’t given enough of a shit to try anything but firefox in years now.
I mean tbf, I think if your kid is smart enough to work out they need to log into the router to change the DNS settings then they can probably figure out how to set it on their end device too. Unless you’re also blocking VPNs and non-dhcp directed DNS requests too.
I think the obvious solution is to force router makers to have a more user-friendly way to enable child-friendly features (we did that with TVs, why not the internet?) rather than forcing websites to either shutdown or do sketchy shit like take IDs. I work as a tech for an ISP, I assure you most people can’t figure out (or are barely able to even with instructions) how to change the default wifi, there’s no chance in hell you’re gonna explain to them how to point traffic to a custom dns.
ARC can memory leak if you don’t properly use weak references when appropriate. You trade GC ticks for having to deal with a counter. generally GC will (raw language performance aside) have higher throughput (because its not spending time doing ref counts) but will have more sporadic latency because if the GC ticks, then your program is basically on pause until it’s done.
Comparing them as if one is better than the other feels like painfully missing the point. Completely different memory models. And if you’re only slightly making use of ARC, then switching to a GC is a big jump.
In retrospect I think I was thinking of PFAS. I’m not sure if that’s technically a microplastic or not. Anyway; I would imagine intaking chemicals that your body is unable to remove effectively is probably bad no matter what it is. As bad as mercury or lead ? Probably not. I guess the question to find out is what thresholds of microplastic content correlate to how much negative health outcomes.
And yeah, the irony of the same corpos that poisoned the worlds water supply with microplastics wanting to sell you a microplastic filter wrapped in plastic container isn’t lost on me and most definitely will happen.
AFAIK we know microplastics weaken our immune system fairly confidently.
Yeah, this same exact story keeps coming up for years now just with different names. Why anyone would think that both the ineffectiveness and racial bias in these systems either wouldn’t exist or will somehow go away eventually is beyond me. Just expensive and ineffective mass surveillance for the sake of it…
Oh. I’m sure electricians get to see some real sketchy shit. Some old two pair phone wires spliced in a shitty way might suck, but at least it’s not gonna start a fire or kill somebody… probably.