Both wallets don't have any transactions so it doesn't seem like anything. I kind of want to do more investigation into whoever runs nicole honestly.
Could you drop the BTC address? I wanna look at the transactions.
What's kiwi farms? I'm not really in the loop on this issue.
If you're worried, download it into a file first and read it.
This is hard to say without knowing the use of the scripts. If it's something to be used as normal CLI tools, probably some place that's in the user's path. If it's something else, I would just have it download to the current working directory so that the user has the choice on where to put it.
I wonder if a user agent spoofer would get around that?
From my understanding, i2p is an anonymity focused way to access the Internet. It cant access normal websites, but it can access I2P websites. The main difference between i2p and tor routing is that i2p uses what's called "garlic routing" and tor uses "onion routing". Without getting into specifics, unlike Tor, on i2p in order to join the network you also have to let other people's traffic go through your computer. This is called being a relay. I2p initially started as a way to obfuscate your IP address to access IRC channels, but has been expanded to be its own dark web.
i2pd is just the program that would allow you to connect to the i2p network. Usually when a program has the letter d at the end, it's what's called a daemon, which is just a program that sits in the background waiting for you to ask it to handle something. In this case i2pd is waiting to handle your i2p traffic.
It really depends on tone and how long the interaction would last. I'd consider saying that rude most of the time as the person making small talk is just doing something nice.
I'm not exactly sure how to respond to that.
I didn't even think about how context dependent C++ is until you mentioned that. That's a really good point
This might be dumb, but what if you used parsec on the other machine?