Go figure, the one providing sources for answers was the most correct...But pretty wild how it basically leaves the others in the dust!
So, the term Fediverse basically refers to the ActivityPub protocol and the associated server software. Technically, it's not just ActivityPub, but also the AT protocol and nostr. Another layer to the Fediverse, at least in my mind, is having some federation. Meaning Bluesky isn't apart of the Fediverse, even though it's built on the AT Protocol, because of it's isolation. Since there's no interaction with Lemmy, Mastodon, PixelFed, or other federated social networks, it's not part of the Fediverse.
A band that is slept on hard and legit my favorite active punk band is Get Dead. Their album Dancing With The Curse is unreal cover to cover. Only 32 minutes long, but it's a god damn classic. My favorites on it are Hard Times, Stickup, and Confrontation.
Fat Mike first turned em down, then they dosed his drink with Lucy at the after party, and he signed em in the morning! The signer was a hiphop lyricist originally, which you can hear in how it rides the beat at times, but he was meant for punk rock!
Smash Karts is a lot of fun, it's pretty much online Mario Kart deathmatches! There's also capture the flag, hat holder, and a few other games layered in too. Worth a try the next time you want to game along side a boringish video.
Edit: Here's a link
Yep, he definitely got suicided. It without question was a staged murder setup to lead investigators to deem it as such...
Chubbyemu all damn day! If anyone is unfamiliar, do yourself a favor and get nerdy with Dr. Hsu. He's a clinical pharmacist and toxicologist, which gives him an solid knowledge base to breakdown medical case studies in a very detailed yet simple way. Highly recommended!
Based in my limited understanding of psychology, it's about role reversal. Meaning, they are in a position which gives them quite a bit of control in their day-to-day life. This is why in the show Billions, the DA of NYC is into BDSM. He has a level of control over others that's quite immense. This over time leads to him enjoying being taken advantage of in the bedroom. But again, I've only studied a limited amount of psychology, and the rationale behind each person's choice to be dominated will have some variation, as it's psychological. But this is the general idea behind the Dom/Sub preference.
Well, this was the case maybe 5 years ago, if not 10+ years back. Linux Mint, Ubuntu, PopOS, Fedora, and ElementaryOS can all be run via a GUI. Additionally, you're comment about programs is baseless. If you switch from Windows to Mac guess what will have to happen, you'll have to start using similar but not the same programs. However, using a VM or Wine isn't hard whatsoever thanks to YT walkthroughs. It's 10 to 20 minutes of guided clicking and then you're running Windows programs on Linux.
96% of the top 1,000,000 servers online and 100% of super computers run Linux. But people are creatures of habit and when compounded with a statement like this riddled with half truths, it only makes most folks more hesitant to switch. 4.1% of PCs run a common Linux distro, 1.9% run ChromeOS, and 6.4% run an "unknown" OS, which is widely believed to be Linux as well. So 12.4% of PC's run some form of Linux and with the SteamOS release around the corner, this will breach 15% for sure. But okay, we're a bunch of loons who like owning the equipment we bought and enjoy the financial + security + privacy perks of open sourced software. If nothing else, I hope you feel better. Take care!
The irony with Microsoft business decision here seems limitless. 10-14-25 is the date Windows 10 will no longer be officially supported. This just so happens to also be the date for International E-Waste day as well as KDE's birthday. To me this is hillarious and makes me wonder why the hell Microsoft didn't do even a tiny bit of looking into what else takes place on 10-14. Hopefully this will help 2025 actually be the year of the Linux desktop we've been waiting for!
Ok, conspiracy hat on...Maybe Snowden was the only NSA contributor with the sole purpose of making tracking citizens harder!
Most likely an infrastructure issue due to the massive increase in network load. It's finals week for many college students, plus the iOS integration and Sora. Definitely a solid 1, 2, 3 punch OpenAI wasn't ready for it seems.
Yep, as of this week at least... For some background, Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble vitamins. This means overdosing on them can take quite a long time to fully recover from. Excessive Vitamin A can result in significant liver, bone, central nervous system, and skin damage, as well as hair loss. But I've not once heard RFK say anything about dosage, which is idiotic for someone in his position. Vitamin A's primary role for humans involves regulating cell/tissue growth and differentiation. Vitamin A's main prescription usage is for cystic or nodular acne under the brand name Accutane. Accutane's dosage needs to be very dialed in, so much so that the patients using it must get monthly blood work, if not bimonthly or weekly. Additionally, women must agree to not get pregnant on Accutane, as it leads to severe birth defects and other pregnancy complications. But sure, the dude in charge of the department of health sees no need to say anything about dosage, just that taking Vitamin A is helpful for measles while there's an exceptional vaccine readily available...