So....he's moving this to a department that is also about to lose 43% of its staff.
Does.....does that mean it is unable to find or enforce people not repaying the loans? I mean as jank as moving all those files, both paper and computer to a new department home and THEN slashing staff. It sounds like the new system will lack manpower to find and enforce delinquent loan repayment.
"So a guy asking how not to shit for a weekend was funny for a whole month?"
When you put it that way we sound weird!
So there's this kid and it's about a heist parody...wait let me start over. Theres this show with a smart old guy and a kid, kinda like back to the future, but like.....
Good night Dick!
What a very specific grade you would list, as there's a brand that sells exclusively plat grade
Oi yew fonni Italian! Stay out of me bog!
-Vance, probably
"None. You just...play the game, the whole game, to have fun!"
Surely this is a trick?
I am incapable of joining a community and not asking where the memes-and-shitposting is. Just how it is, news and memes for me, thanks.
Preferably a section with memes about news too so I can see news I missed from other parts of the world! MR. WORLDWIDE
Thanks fren!
About to do just wh- OH MY JESUS