
joined 2 years ago
[–] Fedegenerate 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

I thought Libation merely broke the TOS, not violated the law (UK). Doesn't matter, I'm on a different vendor now.

[–] Fedegenerate 1 points 3 weeks ago

Me? None. But I left room for someone who might.

[–] Fedegenerate 6 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (2 children)

Seeding to ratios is self correcting, in my inexperienced opinion as I only share ISOs.

Unpopular thing sits on someone's computer (not mine) for ages just happily waiting until it's useful. Popular thing is in and out. Purely for files intended to be churned; try a distro (in facebook's case a book), use it, and delete it.

1:3 could be said to be a minimum (1 for to pay back, 1 to pay forward, and 1 to pay for a leecher)

Things that are going to be archived can be set as limitless as long as strain on hardware can be tolerated.

[–] Fedegenerate 6 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I'm glad I've already pulled my audible library in to audibookshelf, I didn't have many ebooks so didn't bother with them. I'm moving to librofm this month I think.

[–] Fedegenerate 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

History is what it is. Reality is what it is. It won't be productive while you imagine it to only be a tune in my head, and resort to insults.

[–] Fedegenerate 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

As predicted, not going to be a productive conversation.

[–] Fedegenerate 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Same with those civil rights people, they were always marching, and shouting, and angry at an unjust system, and scared of police beatings. Always complaining about lynchings and how they were oppressed. So scared and hate filled.

Funny how history rhymes. They're scared and angry because they have something to be scared and angry about.

I'll leave this here. If that doesn't make you scared and angry then I'm not sure we're going to have a productive conversation.

[–] Fedegenerate 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Update went fine on a bare metal install. Customising the webUI port is a little easier now, instead of editing lighttdp.conf I think you can do it in the UI.

I struggled to find some settings, I looked for ages for the API token. Found it in all settings: expert, scroll for half a mile down the webUI API section.

Also, struggled with adding CNAMES in bulk, I thought you could do that in the old UI. You might be able to in the new UI. I just 'one by one'd them.

Docker update went flawlessly.

I have an lxc and to go which is a task for another day, unless TTeck's updater beats me to it.

[–] Fedegenerate 2 points 1 month ago

+1 for running pihole in an LXC, and a redundant pihole in a docker container.

They never update at the same time, or in the same way so near as dammit constant uptime.

[–] Fedegenerate 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

What does IR red shift into over cosmic distances? But it would be just as, if not less, noticeable as a star suddenly dimming to [100%-optimal capture rate]

[–] Fedegenerate 2 points 1 month ago

Cis people are not entitled to teachers. Trans people shouldn't be forced into a teacher role for all trolls on the off chance they're merely clueless. Many trans people have shared their lived experience, including in this thread, it isn't hard to find.

Here's the ideal solution: person spreads their ignorance. Their ignorance is dutifully removed. Person goes on to learn why their ignorance was ignorant and maybe thinks before speaking next time.

[–] Fedegenerate 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (7 children)

The other "benefit" to the sphere is blacking out a star. Other life, should it exist, is less likely to find the structure. ITT people destroying my dreams of a big shelly boi


For legibility I split the post into: my current setup; the problem I'm trying to solve; the constraints for solving the problem; what I've tried and failed to do; and key questions.

When roasting me in the comments, go nuts, I'm not a complete beginner, but I wouldn't rank myself as an intermediate yet. My lab is almost entirely tteck scripts, and what isn't built by tteck are docker containers. My inexperience informs some of my decisions for example: I'm using nginxproxymanager because Nginx documentation is beyond me, I couldn't write a nginx.config and NPM makes reverse proxies accessible to me.

My Current setup

I have a Proxmox based home server running multiple services as LXCs (a servarr, jellyfin, immich, syncthing, paperless, etc. Locally my fiancée and I connect to our services. Using pihole-NginxProxyManager(NPM) @ "service.server" and that's good. Remotely we connect to key services over tailscale using tailscale's magic DNS @ "lxcname:port" and that works... fine. We each have a list of "service: address" and it's tolerable. Finally, my parents have a home server, that I manage, it is Debian based with much the same services running all in Docker (I need to move it to Podman, but I got shit to do). We run each others' off-site backup over tailscale-syncthing and that seems good. But, our media and photos are our own ecosystems.

The Problem

I would like to give someone (Bob) a box (a Pi, a minipc, a whatever). The sole function of this box is to act as a gateway for Bob's devices to connect to key LXCs on my tailnet. Thus Bob can enjoy my legally obtained media and back up their photos.

The constraints

These are in order of importance, I would be giving ground from the bottom up. The top two are non negotiable though.

A VPS has low to zero WAF. Otherwise I would have followed the well trodden ground.

Failsafe. If the box dies bob can't access jellyfin until I can be arsed to fix it. Otherwise, they experience no other inconvenience.

No requirement to install tailscale on Bob's devices. Some devices aren't compatible with tailscale: Amazon fire stick. A different bob does't want to install a VPN on their phone. Some devices I don't trust to be up to date and secure, I don't want them on my tailnet... I have no idea if the one degree of separation is any more secure, but it gives me the willies.

I'm pretty sure I can solve this using pihole-nginx-tailscale with my skillset. But then I have to get into bob's router, and maybe bob might not like that. If I could just give them a preconfigured box that would be ideal. They would have pretty addresses though.

I don't currently have a domain, I do plan to get one. I just don't currently have one.

My attempts and failures to solve the problem.

I've built a little VM to act as a box (box), it requests a static IP. On it I installed Mint (production would probably be DietPi or Debian) Tailscale,Docker (bare metal) and NPM as a container. In NPM I set a proxy host 192.168.box.IP to forward to 100.jellyfin.tailscale.IP:8096. I tested it by going to box.IP and jellyfin works. Next up Jellyseerr... I can't make another proxy host with the same domain name for obvious reasons.

I tried "box.IP:8096" as a domain name and NPM rejected it. I tried "box.IP/jellyfin" and NPM rejected that too (I'll try Locations in a bit). I tried both "service.box.IP" and "box.IP.service" and I'd obviously need to set up DNS for that. Look, I'm an idiot, I make no apologies. I know I can solve it by getting into their router, setting Pihole as their DNS, and going that route.

Next I tried Locations. The required hostname and port I set up as jellyfin.lxc.tailnet.IP:8096 and I set /jellyseerr to go to jellyseerr.lxc.tailnet.IP and immich set up the same way. Then I tested the services. Jellyfin works. Jellyseerr connects then immediately rewrites the URL from "box.IP/jellyseerr" to "box.IP/login" and then hangs. Immich does much the same thing. In desperation I asked chatGPT... the less said about that the better. Just know I've been at this a while.

Here's where I'm at: I have two Google terms left to learn about in an attempt to solve this. The first is "IP tables" the second is "tailscale subnet routers" and I have effort left to learn about one of them.

During this process I learned I could solve this problem thusly: give Bob a box. On this box is a number of virtual machines(vm). Each vm is dedicated to a single service, and what the fuck is that for a solution?! It would satisfy my all of my constraints though, its just ugly.

Key questions

Is my problem solvable by just giving someone a Pi with the setup pre-installed? If not I'll go the pihole-npm-tailnet and be happy. Bob'll connect to "service.box" and it'll proxy to "service.lxc.tailnet.IP".

Assuming I can give them a box. Is nginx the way forward? Should I be learning /Locations configs to stop jellyseerr's rewrite request. Forcing it to go to "box.IP/jellyseerr/login". Or, is there some other Google term I should be learning about.

Asssuming I can give them a box, and nginx alone is not useful to me. Is it subnet routers I should be learning about? They seem like a promising solution, but I'll need to learn how the addressing works... Or how any of it works... IP tables seem like another solution on the face of it. But both I don't know where to send bob without doing local DNS/CNAME shenanigans

Finally assuming I'm completely in the weeds and hopelessly lost... What is it I should I be learning about? A VPS I guess... There's a reason everyone is going that route., Documentation on this "box" concept isn't readily findable for a reason I imagine.


I set up an *arr stack and made it work, and now I'm trying to make it safe - the objectivly correct order.

I installed uncomplicated firewall on the system to pretend to protect myself, and opened ports as and when I needed them.

So I'm in mind to fix my firewall rules and my question is this: Given there's a more sensible ufw rule set what is it, I have looked online I couldn't find any answers? Either "limit 8080", "limit 9696", "limit ..." etc. or "open". Or " allow" would I have to allow my docker's subnet as well?

To head off any "why didn't you ?" it's because I'm dumb. Cheers in advance.

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