Anybody else just get a boner?
This screengrab from the Steam store tells me all I need to know.
Just certifying the steel plate armor and bulletproof glass.
Don't vote for this lady. She can't pronounce Thai.
Die Eier von Satan
He's sending his wallet out to us.
My favorite Metroid is a knockoff. Environmental Station Alpha. I can't help but recommend it in any thread that's even remotely on topic. It's not "better" than the official titles but I end up replaying ESA way more. The astmosphere and music just really hit me, and the gameplay is tight with lots of secrets.
My favorite official title is Fusion though. It was so awesome being able to play that on the train to school and lunch breaks.
10 years ago they used to give away good free games, but the app updates were always 2 releases behind.
With cheeks spread wide.
Mods and trainers.
Internet Archive. Old photography magazines, some with specialized topics. Some are just text/indexes with no pictures.