Where did you read that funds are based entirely off that specific earthquake news coverage?
Spoken like a true ttrpg player.
As a fan of the dinosaur era of power rangers, mastodon was one of the coolest to me.
Seems like the commercial real estate collapse has a lot to do with it too.
Yep! You definitely have to be patient, and clear the areas as you go but eventually through meeting different groups and helping them, you can get off the main starter island. Theres a lot more world out there from what i can tell. Im still in the first town you come to when you get to the mainland.
For real! Im just off of the main starting island DOS2 and feel like there so much more story to see. Really loving everything about the game. And also feeling FOMO about BG3 at the same time. Ill get it and play it after or at the same time. Well see!
Got into divinity late during early access of BG3.. still need to finish the main story line on it, but now i want to get BG3 too.
Wait it doesn’t?
As someone who plays more mobile than desktop, i am really excited for this! seems like having the hot key feature customizable will allow for easier bossing and questing on mobile.
They mention in the article a rework for the entire chat area so hopefully it cleans that up for you.
Can’t wait to just wood cut on a remote little island with the boys.
The irony comment is referring to them making that statement while on reddit.