A discount of $60000 is not "nothing at all". At current rates, it's about $300 off your monthly payment.
“The market is having trouble digesting the multidimensional chess that Trump and his team are playing,” said Michael Block, market strategist at Third Seven Capital. “This multidimensional chess game is not going well for the grand master.
LOL, you aren't playing 3D chess when you flip a chessboard.
Nobody promised Trump would end up in prison. There was a very good chance that a cultist on his jury would have refused to convict. Or he might have been found guilty only on lesser charges and ended up paying a fine. Juries are unpredictable and often disappointing, from OJ Simpson to Kyle Rittenhouse.
It sounds like you expected the judicial system to do what voters failed to do. But the judicial system can't stop Trump from being elected president. That was our responsibility as voters. Don't blame judges when they can't clean up our mess.
Trump has lost several court cases already, and many are just getting started. For example, today Cathy Harris was reinstated to the Merit Systems Protection Board.
If you expect the judicial system to broadly restore the status quo under Biden, then you're probably going to be disappointed. Any victories will be on a case-by-case basis. That's literally how the judicial system operates.
It's $300 less, not $300 more.
No matter how much you are paying, you can afford to pay $300 less.