I don't know that you could necessarily develop the wheelbarrow without first having the concept of the wheeled cart.
Wheeled carts are not very practical without draught animals to pull them. And the one place they had animals like that, in South America, llamas and the civilizations that utilized them lived in the mountains where wheeled carts aren't practical either.
They say that Native Americans never developed the wheel. They clearly did. For sick dog skateboard tricks.
Rest in peace in peace?
I have. Fire ants. It's not something I would recommend.
I just spent 5 minutes on Google because I misread your first line as 'rips sock bong hit' and I was trying to figure out what the hell a sock bong was.
Tomatoes can be grown pretty successfully indoors. Also prickly pear.
No. Karaoke battle.
There's an article about it in the New York Times which apparently goes into much more detail, but I don't have a subscription- https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/10/science/silence-sound-hear.html
It is excerpted in this Slashdot post, however, and that may give you enough information to understand it better: https://science.slashdot.org/story/23/07/10/2343221/silence-is-a-sound-you-hear-study-suggests
To sum up, it's not about total silence, it's about perceiving gaps in louder sounds as "sound" rather than the lack of sound.
I remember how in The Matrix movies, humans blocked out the sun to stop the computers from taking over. Looks like we're going to ask them whether or not that's a good plan first in our timeline.
I think the writers just couldn't bear it.