Wenn du ADHS tatsächlich offiziell diagnostiziert hast, würd ich da mit nem Arzt drüber reden, ob du Medizinisches verschrieben bekommen kannst. Das gäbe dir die Möglichkeit, verschiedene CBD Sorten auszuprobieren, und die Effekte die sie haben, um zu schauen was dir am besten hilft.
First of all, ich habe keine praktische Erfahrung, ich bin selbst noch in der Einlesephase.
Nur damit du dir beim eventuellen Recherschieren ein paar Minuten sparst, gegen Schimmel(-Pilze) suchst du nach Fungiziden, nicht direkt nach Pestiziden.
Und auch da ist es schwer, im Vorhinein was zu finden, da je nach Schimmelart die Mittel verschieden effektiv sind.
Auch Indoor raten die Anbau-Guides, immer eine Luftzirkulation zu haben, vielleicht hilft es, die Pflanzen wo anzubauen, wo es mehr Windzug gibt, wenn du die Möglichkeit hat.
I would defenetly bring multiple Towels, if you want to wash them between days.
And I love watershoes, you can use to swim, if you can afford them, it saves you from cutting your feet on sharp objects you perhaps oversee
Tbh. just breaking the ice quickly and having fun afterwards, and getting to know the person in the process
I'm in this picture, and I like it (I think)
The template was just update, and I'll post a note asap. And I hope everyone is nice enough to follow my advice.
Hey there, I'm comming from the persons at feddit.org. Seems like there might be a conflict between your template and our's. Do you guys habe any idea how to make both your logo and our elephant look good together?
I've got a Fairphone 4. Had quite the headache, cause I had a slightly broken one. I don't want to go into detail, but I can say the support on Fairphones side is excelent, they were super friendly and helped to fix the issues as best as they could. And the nice thing is that you can repair most things yourself. But it is still a "nerdy" product. Fairphone doesn't have the best flagship with the fastes processor. But if you value something, where you own your hardware, and can repair stuff easily, you should consider it.