client is amazing. looks modern and beautiful.
Can recommend client is amazing. looks modern and beautiful.
Can recommend
tiktok was not banned maybe
source? sounds funny, can you give a link?
I guess it is to protect the personality. Maybe MAGA maybe some fearful Democrats or GREENS :O
yep. I just knew that germany is over 1.5 for a year or so. but yeah
we`ll stick together
very soon. It will hit hard. 1.5 degrees is when the tipping points start to tip.
To be honest. I did climate activism the last two years until I had a burnout. I do not believe that we can stop it anymore and I think we should start prepping in a sense of building strong communities and practacing solidartiy. While we should still try to stop it we should also try to live in solidarity in this crisis
How could one say, that Rojava is part of syria. This post is just fostering facists nationalist thinking
Yes. Whats the point? We dont need honey bees. More bees means less other insects spcialised on certain plants. Because honey bees steal their pollen. I just did one search, its good is modern looking. Its a client and not an app though