So you think appeasing an aggressor will prevent war? I think that is a dumb take and i don't agree with your characterization of NATO being the cause. Those are Russian talking points and they are complete bullshit.
Why shouldn't we send troops in cooperation with our allies to safeguard the rules based order? The reason why we got into the world wars is because nobody did anything to prevent them until it was too late. To those dedicated individuals who are willing to lay down their lives for our liberty i salute them.
Why would there be a recovery if there is no recession?
To be fair Dr. Pepper and pizza will kill you, eventually.
Plenty of criticism can be tossed deservedly Israel's way, however i think South Africa's motivation may be less to do with humanitarian reasons and more to do with it's ally Russia.
Yeah these are essential services now and since we can't have real competition lets just nationalize all the carriers and turn them into a crown corporation.
Windows is not ready for the desktop.
It's hilarious most of them don't know that this country has a charter of rights and freedoms, not the American constitution.
Mine didn't have a smell, but don't know how long that lasts, so maybe i was too late for the new deck smell.
We're already in a recession, they just won't tell us directly we're in a recession until it's too obvious to deny.
It's because truth is an inconvenience for people like him.
We need both fighters and drones.