As an engineer, this is painfully true.
I'll bet it all on never.
It was sarcasm, hence the /s
Shit like this happens all the time. My wife had her ovary twist and went to the ER because she was in extreme pain. She sat in the waiting room for 10 hours since they thought she was just overreacting and couldn't be in that much pain. Once she actually got to see the doctor he "jokingly" asked if she possibly could have caught an STD (we've been together for 14 years by that point) and decided to take a blood sample to at least say they did something. When results came back with an EXTREMELY high white blood cell count, they actually started to take her pain seriously. She was in emergency surgery within a few hours after that. Had they ignored her any longer it would have ruptured inside her and potentially died. Coincidentally, when they went in to untwist it, that's when they realized she also has endometriosis. After years and years of being told by her doctor that periods are painful and just deal with it, she finally had proof that it was actually not normal to be in that much pain every month. I really don't understand why a woman in pain is not a concern but if a man has a headache, then they leap into action.
I suspect if someone who makes 50K a year has millionaire connections, those connections would have probably helped them by now and not have to wait for them to die.
I could be wrong, money seems to make people selfish and greedy. So maybe the millionaire would rather hoard their wealth than let the 50K person get any before they die. But they're still nice enough to let them have something after they pass?
"oh this? this is just my news boner. I really love the news"
If they think they're getting paid, I would argue that they're also idiots
I know! And it would take forever to heal that wound.
I think they meant to say sanctions, not seasons.
Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?