They're currently trying to paint Carney as a pedophile because he met Ghislaine Maxwell at a social event one time.
and nothing of value was lost
you need a good scanline filter if you want modern pixels to look like classic ones
I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot.
Is the thing labeled "What the Fuck" a mercury rectifier?
Like all corporations, Disney is a mercenary. Their allegiance lies with whoever puts the bigger number on their cheque.
If MAGA is going to get in the way of Disney trying to make money, I'm more than happy to let Disney fight that battle and waste some cycles
As relevant now as it was 10 years ago
the fires they had were probably not hot enough to melt sand into glass without some additives.
Instead, it's a fine particulate that can be heated way hotter than water, and because the grains are small enough they will disperse over a large area causing burns to people in a large area below
This could be read as "Any opioid we haven't made a specific exemption for is illegal."
Narcan is technically an opioid and has no schedule(that I could find), so unless there is a specific exemption, you might be doing 5-10 years if you want to be prepared for an opioid overdose.
"State sanctioned murder is fine if you were a victim of British colonialism 200 years ago" is a wild take, even for a tankie
Does this mean that someone could be jailed for a decade for carrying narcan in a first aid kit?
Sure there is. PP has better branding and the advantage of having control over a legacy party to capture the "I always vote conservative, because that's what my father and grandfather did" crowd