
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 11 months ago

If you ever get around to it let me know if any of them work/safe

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I got quite a few responses to this post. Have you tried any of the ones other people listed?

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Were you running in VM for protection from possible viruses?

They are mimicking Spotify. How they have music and podcasts built into one app.

[–] 22 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I was looking into this. Obama added roughly 8 trillion dollars to the national debt. Trump added the same amount in half as much time.

I want to use Firefox exclusively but there are certain features on other browsers I can't go without. I have Firefox on all my devices but mainly use Samsung internet on my phone. I love that it can replace the default video player for websites. I also have edge on my phone cause their text to speech is the best I've ever seen

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (4 children)
[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

what about apps that detect adblockers, will this bypass them or do they just not let you view their content?


Podcast republic has this ability too

Silence trimming causes weird stuttering on podcast republic for me. So I leave it off as a default

Sorry for the late reply. I was in high school when this happened. I had to get my stomach scoped. While they were getting ready to put me to sleep they asked if I wanted to do laughing gas. I said sure. I had never tried it and it sounded fun. While they were doing this I thought to myself that I wanted to try to force myself to stay awake and see if I could do it. Or at least make a mental note of everything that happened to me and observe it. The laughing gas started to kick in and I started to laugh uncontrollably. One of the nurses hadn't seen it used before and couldn't help but laugh at my non stop laughing. I don't remember an IV so I think the anastesia was administered with the laughing gas. Time started to get strange, everything slowed way down. A tingling sensation was spreading across my body. This tingle turned into sharp jabbing pains as if I was being stabbed by thousands of tiny needles. At the same time sounds around me started sounding echoing and distant. I was starting to panic so I decided I should let the doc know. That's when I realized I couldn't move. I could barely move my eyes. I also realized I was still laughing. I couldn't speak either. I tried to scream but the only voice that actually screamed was the one iny head. I was terrified and everyone else in the operating room seemed to be happy. The pain from the tingling was getting worse and my ears were ringing so loud I couldn't here anything. I felt like I was stuck in a black room with 2 windows to the outside world (my eyes). It felt like an eternity I was stuck like that. In reality it was probably less than 10 minutes cause the procedure hadn't started yet. I tried to force myself to fall asleep but couldn't. I started to wish I could just die cause that would be better than the hell I was in. Then blackness for a split second.

The next thing I knew I was in a different hospital room crying and super nauseous.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

You ever wake up with no clue where you are? I wonder how our brain gets so confused just by sleeping


I don't use MJ much and because of this my tolerance is quite low compared to most people here. When I do use it I often like to get high enough where I can watch a movie and laugh through it (whether it's funny or not)and mostly understand what's happening.

A few nights ago I took 2.5mg and waited. Felt nothing so I took 5mg more. About an hour later I was starting to feel pretty damn high. Another hour in and I was tripping mad hard. This used to cause me anxiety cause it scared me. But this time I just rode it. Took a shower, thought I fell asleep, etarled myself when I realized I was still awake. Then lied in bed letting my thoughts go wild. It was fairly fun but I don't like getting that high very much

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