Piped πͺ
I find that winget tends to just grab M$ Store packages, essentially becoming just an alternative CLI frontend.
Chocolatey, however, actually grabs the native program. And it isn't developed by Microsoft.
Even Scoop is good enough, however programs might not work perfectly because it uses portable versions of the program.
Wayland is necessary because Wayland will be necessary in the near future, if it was next year then that would put a lot of people who don't know about X.Org and Wayland through a major shift which could rock-the-boat a bit too much and cause them to go back to Windows for the "just works" experience.
Say some phrase in Khitan, then teleport. Become a world-famous magician as no one would believe you're actually teleporting. The Khitan is for the show. Also drive all those people trying to debunk your trick insane.
Plus it'd be incredible for heists, there's no mention of a cooldown so just spam it and piston-translocation glitch your way through some complex.
Only you know why...