
joined 2 years ago
[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

I really enjoyed Yellowface, it's a great read and a bit of a black comedy in places!

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

It could grow on me. It's hard to tell without seeing it in action

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

Not that it's especially convincing but I think that the idea was that he was 'playing a game' when he'd been doing that stuff with the salt and then thrown it out into the ether for no reason other than messing about.

Or something? I don't know. Much as I love a lot about RTD as a writer, he's definitely not a details man on story elements...

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I think it's the 'Boss' and they're building up an arc.

With the whole gold tooth thing I really hope it's not as obvious as The Master but who knows yet

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah it's a real shame because from what I saw of the Artemis app it looked good as well. I hope the dev is ok.

Kbin definitely needs a decent app. The web app does the job but it can be a bit irritating as you say

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

So because I play a lot of games and read a lot of eBooks then I would say getting my first tablet was pretty great, even though it was a midrange one that was just thrown in to the deal when I was upgrading my phone and I probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise

It was a Samsung A8 from 2019, had about an 8" screen and I used it mainly as a kindle and games device. The games I play are mainly strategy or board games, but there were certainly some games that you wouldn't necessarily think would cause a problem (Wingspan?) that would lag or crash. Since I review games it helped to have a second device to check things on, and a bigger screen is better.

Last year I upgraded it to a Samsung S8 which is a flagship. It's a 10 or 11 inch screen which felt more unwieldy though I'm used to it now. It can run more things. It's a really nice device. The screen isn't actually OLED but feels like it, the quality is amazing. It actually came with a stylus which was a neat touch. The screen is good enough that yes I have found myself watching more TV on it.

However, when people say 'productivity', I don't know really know what they mean by that tbh. I've got a work laptop for work. I've got my own laptop for other stuff. Do people mean drawing and things on tablets but that?

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

Yeah me and my son watched it and both preferred it to Star Beast (though we both liked Star Beast too) - Doctor Who does weird /surreal/uncanny exceptionally well and it had a nightmare Alice in Wonderland vibe in its visuals, especially when the Not Doctor/Donna were blocking the tunnel.

The Doctor picking the wrong Donna got us both, and seeing Wilf at the end was great. I loved the way that the Timeless Child was acknowledged in a dramatic way and moved on from (it's a nod that RTD is respecting the continuity of the show but not going to let it get in the way of a good story).

If I was going to criticise, I'd say there was a bit of padding (really unlike Doctor Who) and some of the effects weren't as good as they thought they were. But really what could be better for an anniversary story where they're literally running up and down the same corridor?

Plus - technically a multi doctor story!

(I bet if I was younger and watching this high it would have been astonishing...)

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah I get that too now you've said it!

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It looks like a shady dealer in an orange hoodie.

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Top Artist - The Beatles (I relistened to their remaster of Revolver a lot this year, it's really very good!)

Top Song - 'Give It Up' by Public Enemy

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

Seems from the present tense use of the wiki article all hope is lost...

My sister lives in China atm. Internet access a contentious issue - dogs and cats in cages in the Saturday market for butchery sale. Not a criticism - just a very different culture to the West.

[–] HipPriest@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago

What if this is the afterlife of a religion we don't know about from our previous existence?

I don't think you can have a rational reply to your question - it's all head canon


PC Cameron Lindley of West Yorkshire police attended incident in which man was already being held down by officers


The reshuffle, thought to have been deftly managed by Sue Gray, made a shadow cabinet heavy with stalwarts from the Blair-Brown era

I don't know about other people but I really was hoping for more than a sequel to the Blair years. I mean I get they need experience but the Tories are on the ropes, the Centrists in the party have had 13 years to come up with new ideas...


I think this is a contender for the worst opinion column I've read this year - completely pointless, irrelevant and come on Matt couldn't you think of anything a bit more interesting that happened this week?

Paywall free version https://tinyurl.com/47m2een8


I rewatched this again today and I actually quite like bits of it it I just don't understand what the hell is going on. How much of it is 'real'? Is any of it? Reece Shearsmith's character says he's just there to make a good story to keep us watching... So did The Doctor even land?

What are other people's thoughts on the plot of this story?


The Day Today – The satire of news which will continue to be relevant for as long as news programmes think they’re more important than God.

I wrote this as part of the start of a project I'm writing about stuff that has had a massive influence on me - Chris Morris programmes definitely have. For a programme that is that is roughly 30 years old this hasn't dated very much to my mind... whether that's a worrying thing or not is moot but it's still extremely funny!


‘Eurowings should be ashamed of how they handled this situation,’ says passenger


There was no finished script or even an ending and a key cast member became fatally ill during the production. Three decades after the release of the landmark Hollywood thriller, the cast and crew …


In depth look at the creation of one of the most famous albums in rock music


Do people here actually think this is true? I'm not so sure myself. There may be the odd episode but I'm quite doubtful that there's masses of episodes just being sat on by collectors.

The person in the article doesn't really seem to have any evidence for his claim


Obviously this question is going to be asked at some point so I might as well be the obvious one and ask it...

I am assuming that a lot of people out there will rightly go with Genesis Of The Daleks and City Of Death. (Amusing side note, predictive text badly wants that first story to be renamed Genesis Of The Faeries). The first has Davros and the second is one of Douglas Adams' finest hours.

So I'll go for my 'official' vote The Deadly Assassin . Seeing Tom Baker on the back foot is always riveting. Watching him having to play out everything by himself is just so watchable, right from him putting a dummy of himself of him smoking a hookah to distract the guards to basically drowning to death in the matrix.

Anyone else? I had to think hard for a favourite 4th after discounting my usual defaults of Genesis and City, but that's not saying they're off limits for everyone!

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