My point exactly. US politics have become so divided that a sitting president would never be found guilty by his own party members, which would be necessary for conviction considering how the two parties always get near-equal amount of representatives. The system is stacked so that an impeachment will never have any effect on a sitting president.
Impeachment doesn't seem like it actually does anything. It's like an official slap on the wrist.
Maybe the laws were written back when politicians had a sense of shame and they just assumed that an impeached president would resign.
Thanks, it's my only tattoo so far lol
Duterte is a monster though. Every strongman dictator behind bars matters.
I have a Celtic knot tattoo on my forearm (actually it's the album cover of King Crimson's album Discipline).
My British friend told me I shouldn't display that in public in the UK because people might think I'm a neonazi.
I'm like fuck no, Celtic symbols don't belong to Nazis and I won't let them have it! Also, it's a prog album cover wtf
Still not as rich as the USA.
China's GDP is 17.79 trillion dollars compared to the USA's 27,36 trillion.
There's plenty of money to invest in public infrastructure, but no one wants to do it.
As an Icelander, I just know if Trump gets Greenland he won't stop there. He'll try to take Iceland too. I'm scared.
Beer is made with yeast, which are fungi.
But so is bread and every other alcoholic beverage.
Republicans don't give a shit about anything other than owning the libs. That's their entire ideology.
Trump's ideology is doing whatever it takes to give Donald Trump the most amount of power.
That's because a) the EU is a coalition of many different countries who all have their own flags, and b) we don't fetishize our flags nearly as much as Americans. Many countries have laws against putting the flag on merchandise, because it's seen as disrespectful.