
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 13 hours ago

Fortunately, the technology is still a long way from having access to all the knowledge via BCI. But I am a pessimistic optimist and think that if fascism takes over globally, they will want to trigger the boss fight as quickly as possible (since they love oil etc. and are against climate neutrality) and then everyone will die anyway.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

"Fascism is more fragile than it appears on the surface."

It wasn't just Jews who were killed. Of course there were those who thought differently and those who resisted, but they were also sought out in order to kill them. Moreover, such events can never be compared with previous events due to technological progress. So we see the future of drones in Ukraine and we see globally how much is being invested in AI. The means that can also be used for oppression are taking on proportions of progress that could mean the downfall of humanity very fast. In America, they are now taking action against education, which is the most powerful weapon.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (4 children)

Lol no. Check the link. The collapse began with russian winter.. Cause most died there. This and just this was the beginn of the collaps. Your comment feals the pretty arrogang american way.

Before you think up something again. Yes, the Americans and Russians are partly responsible for the downfall of the Nazis and without their active intervention the collapse would never have happened. But without the mass deaths caused by the winter, it wouldn't have helped either.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 17 hours ago

I say that it was not the reason for the downfall of the Nazis. Education helps. I was in no way advocating it or anything else.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (13 children)


The downfall of the Nazis was because they attacked Russia but were in no way prepared for the Russian winter. Where many soldiers simply froze to death (one must not forget meth or Panzerschokolade). This means that soldiers who are overtired do not realize that when they are tired, the body no longer works at 100%, making it more susceptible to cold and producing less heat). This mass death from the cold gave the USSR the opportunity not to be overrun and to push back the Nazis. Had it not been for the winter, the USSR would have fallen. America would have had an enemy over a much larger area (this was all before the Americans were able to seize all the knowledge of the Germans), the Germans were already close to completing the atomic bomb... as well as stealth airplanes etc. Believe me, if so many had not frozen to death in the East (fortunately) it would all have ended very differently.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (20 children)

America is currently waiting and sleeping through the time when a civil war or attacking the terrorists is possible. Germany would never have escaped the clutches of the Nazis without outside help. The stupid thing about a world power, however, is that once it has reached this status, nothing helps. Technology is now so advanced that it is no longer a problem.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 19 hours ago

America continues to ignore that ISP's and their entire infrastructure is hacked. Where infecting end devices is no longer a problem to intercept text messages etc in real time before encrypting them. Any efforts to do something about this were immediately stopped by trump when he took office so that spying can continue in peace. Russia and China are not dependent on such leaks if they are in the systems anyway, but there is no uprising. Whereby that represents the far greater danger. The priorities of the Americans are crazy

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Dont know why deeple crypted that translation in non sense . anyway better as sending plaintext like some Rusmericaner. ;)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

America continues to ignore that ISP's and their entire infrastructure is hacked. Where infecting end devices is no longer a problem to intercept text messages etc in real time before encrypting them. Any efforts to do something about this were immediately stopped by trump when he took office so that spying can continue in peace. Russia and China are not dependent on such leaks if they are in the systems anyway, but there is no uprising. Whereby that represents the far greater danger. The priorities of the Americans are crazy

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

OK extremely explosive texts sent via signal, a no go because of security concerns and people screaming. Yeah wtf how much have you been upside down? American ISP's and important infrastructure has been completely hacked with the Chinese for a long time (thus certainly also forwarding to Russia) and Trump has ended all attempts against what companies directly and lets the attackers continue peacefully in. Not a no go? No uprising? So if Russia and China can secretly monitor all traffic in America (so that end devices can also be infected and messages can be attacked directly even before anything is encrypted) is that absolutely ok...?

Dafuq wtf

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

External monitor or on the TV with mouse and keyboard should be fine. Performance would have to be tested

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yes, the upgrades are really not cheap and also cause problems with each other. With the Enclosure + MMU3, the bracket supplied for the buffer plates does not fit into the enclosure. When upgrading from the mk4 to the mk4s, the LCD holder no longer fits at the front of the enclosure and other small things like that, which are quite annoying.

Before I bought the MK4, I also thought long and hard about the brand, especially as only OSS brands came into question for me. I quickly decided on Prusa and then had to think about which one (resin was out of the question because of my cats). I initially had my eye on the HT90 and the xl with 5 extruders before deciding on the mk4. Regarding the price, however,
I said to myself from the start "I don't care, I'm supporting other future oss developments" and the fact that it is produced in a neighboring country was also a point in its favor. I only went for the mk4 because I thought I would have too many problems with the xl or even the ht90 as a first 3d printer.

Oh yes, the enclosure itself also causes problems because you have to place a plate under the enclosure and under the printer. So that the printer does not start to amplify its own vibrations with the sheet metal of the enclosure but stands on a stable base.

But damn im so hapoy with my choices

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