How the Fuck is an Albertan supposed to slice YOUR countries problems!? Lmfao. YOU do something! YOURE the American
joined 2 weeks ago
It’s already very much not “fine.” I could write you an essay but you don’t seem the type to argue in good faith. Want a small example? I’m Canadian. Never seen an ally turn so fast, nor seen such a high level of anti-American sentiment in my life. From trusting and supportive to disgusted - not just as the fascist wannabe government - but at Americans themselves for their pseudo-exceptionalism, pig-headed displays of lack of intellect.
You might not recognize it, or care - but there’s been a huge shift and it’s happened almost overnight.
Self-Driving Tesla Crashes into Wall Painted to Look Like a Road… Just Months Before Planned Robotaxi Launch
Self-Driving Tesla Crashes into Wall Painted to Look Like a Road… Just Months Before Planned Robotaxi Launch
You’re a tool lmao. If you want to be cynical about everything and shit on everyone congrats to you. So brave. So helpful. You’re truly the bastion of salvation brother.