
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

One tip would be to use email addresses that you actually check for mission critical accounts.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Probably some mix of: it was an unknown and unregulated industry when domains were invented, the idea of ‘property’ doesn’t really work like that IRL (the bank or local government can take your house for myriad reasons), and people aren’t motivated enough to make any significant changes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

These days, I don’t remember the last registrar I’ve seen that does not provide at least some kind of basic hosting. Maybe they want to grow like all businesses, maybe just being a registrar doesn’t keep the lights on anymore. Not sure, but it definitely seems to be the thing most, if not all, do now.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I have a few hundred feeds across topics that I’ve collected over the years, but I’m gonna guess you don’t want to see my entire OPML. Want to share some topics you’re into? That should help recommendations a lot

Also, a general tip: Most decent feed readers can sniff out a feed if you paste a website into their search box. Next time you’re surfing the regular web and find a site you like, try tossing it into your reader to follow it from then on

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

I poked around with Matrix a bit this week but I’m confused as to how it’s being touted as a replacement for Discord. TBC, I’ve been on Mastodon since 2019 and absolutely want these people-powered alternatives to succeed.

I’m not even talking about the onboarding part, I mean the actual function of the app. With Discord you join a community (server, whatever) and there are a bunch of separate channels, usually separated by topics. I joined a few Matrix servers and they all seem to be one single channel; just one big ol’ scrolling chat where everyone is talking about everything.

Unless I’m missing something, I don’t understand how this will work at all for Discord users looking to jump ship.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago

Apple, laying on a couch, head propped up with a seasonally colorful pillow from IKEA: “They just don’t understand the immense pressure I’m under…”

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Not an arc specific exotic but Sanguine Alchemy is a damage boosting chest. While in any rift you get I believe a 50% damage boost to all weapons that match your super element. Kills pause your rift’s timer for 5 seconds (doesn’t work on Well). It’s a very common swap exotic for high damage rotations. Some people just leave it on for a mission or encounter.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I don’t have a definitive source, but I’ve heard that was intentional. WB said they were gonna do it with or without the Wachowskis. So they agreed to do it and torpedoed it so WB would stop trying to mess with the franchise.


Saddle up, partners

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

This is a pillar of pride for us. We are literally creating jobs 😆

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Got this YouTuber from a glaive enjoying friend. Apparently they’re big glaive fans and do solo GM stuff. Latest video is “triple glaive solo GM,” lol!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Easy fix: Every glaive melee kill results in a Michael Bay explosion. Not an ignition, just the pyrotechnics.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

I’m still experimenting and just asked a friend who likes using glaives in GMs. I suspect what works is a mix of damage perks and high energy generation, because the shield is quite valuable.

The buffs across the entire weapon class this act helped a lot—damage, projectile tracking, reload, and maybe something else? Big upgrades all around.

The vanguard stasis glaive with chill clip is a favorite among glaive enjoyers. I think you can still farm it, at least with engrams.


With the recent glaive buffs I've grown to really enjoy them (the slow reload hurt them for me). Previously I liked Vexcalibur due to its many perks, but that was it. Then Bungie caught my attention when it teased a Strand glaive for Act 2.

However, if you look at its perk pool, it's barely a strand glaive - it only has a single Strand-related perk. Granted, not having Tear makes sense since glaives don't crit. But what about Hatchling or Slice?

Missed opportunity in my book. What do y'all think?


We can argue about which mechanics are tedious or have too many steps, but try to stay high-level with me for just a sec. The central draw, I feel, is that they allow us to just play the game and get the drops we want.

We don’t have to stop what we’re doing, load into a vendor, run around in some cases to find them, then mindlessly click an engram button for a few minutes. You just set of Tome of Want ritual (or pop a Tonic), start playing, and the drops roll in.

These systems are a great way to remove friction, making it easier and faster to chase the weapons we want. I liked tonics once I understood the system, although I get the complaint that they’re heavy-handed—too many pointless new ingredients to monitor and we still need to stop playing at least sometimes to go make more tonics (a process that is also clunky with too many steps).

This is why I quite like the Tome as an evolution and simplification of this system: It only needs two ingredients that naturally drop while you play, and you can pop a new Ritual for a different weapon whenever you want, even in the middle of a fight.

I hope this ‘live focus system’ sticks around in future expansions and seasons. How do other people feel?


I'm diving into Lemmy, been on Masto since 2019. Also a big Reddit user trying to get away, and I hope to find a feature here that's an equivalent to MultiReddits (or 'Custom Reddits' as they seem to be called now).

The idea is: A way to view a collection of specific Lemmy communities, probably around a theme like gaming, wholesome topics, or tech, etc. Sometimes I like to focus on a specific corner of the internet instead of the flood of everything I subscribe to. If you need examples, here is my personal gaming multireddit and my HappyPlace multireddit (no not like that).

Is this possible with Lemmy? Thanks for any help.


Someone in my Destiny community asked whether the USB-C port on the Magic Keyboard for iPad can pass data, or if it’s just for charging. I decided to look it up.

Apple’s support document makes it clear that, unfortunately, the port only does power (check the ‘Charge your iPad’ section, pictured here). But then check the section I highlighted, emphasis mine:

Never connect one end of a USB-C cable to the USB-C port on your iPad and the other end to the USB-C port on your Magic Keyboard


I need to know what happens! Is Apple hiding the secret to infinite power in broad daylight??

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