The anti evil operations team has done this in the past.
Republicans are like people from the Middle Ages that choose to be all ass backwards on purpose. It is such a joke. They need strong state legislators that fight back against this.
Basically any talk of it even condemning it or showing an example of republicans expressing violence can get you banned.
Tell them to suck your dick and get a warrant, that is what I would do. Unconstitutional douchebags need to learn the constitution one insult at time.
It should be done. All this shit is low hanging fruit that helps conservatives win elections like having drag queens read to kids. Drag queens for the most part aren’t even transgender, trying to include them into the movement is bullshit considering past drag queen comedy is why Transgender people weren’t being taking serious by Boomers. Because they view transgenderism from fetishism and comedy. I believe in every other aspect trans people being included but stop helping conservatives win in battles that barely effect trans people. This has to suck for the athletes.
MW2 had DMZ the greatest call of duty game mode of all time.
At that point people should refuse to buy it until it hits 70 or 60. They are going recouperate their investment unless the game is trash.
VLC. It’s awesome.
This is terrible news, if he bans vaccines I hope there would be a massive petition for many states to join Canada.
It’s crazy it was still salvageable after being uprooted so long.
This is why Republicans are stupid, a vaccine is a controlled and safe measles exposure with some risk that is 1 in a 100. You are doing the same thing with measles parties but more reckless dangerous levels of infection and putting your kid at risk of death like 1/15 if you send them to the measles parties.