
joined 2 years ago
[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

I see the title - and first thing I think

"Oblivion, now with 16 times the upscalers" in Todd's voices

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

I think this is where the nuance is and where the things can go off the rails. Your example is that you want to more easily be connected with people that you enjoy engaging with but find it hard to find - which you did attempt to find a work around for, which I do commend.

I think because of the volume of scale of the internet it has been fine-tuned and engineered towards benefiting the major players more as they have taken convenience features and frankenstein'd it into a tool of "increased engagement".

It is like a market square and everyone is shouting out their wares at the same time and the major players (and others) have done their research on how to be the "loudest and most attention-grabbing hawker at the square"

Here the algorithm approach is useful to help "silence the sea of voices" and find "hawkers" that sell "products" that are of interest to you. It does require some discipline on the users part to curate their "hawkers", but overall the experience is improved as one deals with "products" that is aligned with one's interests.

I feel, in general, however that the intent has been twisted into something that has become a slippery slope that slides down towards "how can I get eyes on my thing and keep people coming back" for as long as possible. One's attention gets bombarded with as many ideas as possible and, from this, one's scope starts to bloat and becomes muddy as one processes too many different ideas and viewpoints in a short time frame and as a result one spends less time forming a individual opinion. I believe this does contribute to shorter attention spans as we attempt to "offload" our thinking onto something else as we try to make sense of all the information we take in.

The easiest thing I can think of is TikTok and how quickly the short video format was incorporated into the big platforms.

It is a human shortcoming I feel that gets taken advantage of (and I feel like it is being cultivated) and as humans we do have a side to us that tries to optimise the shit out of a things - often to our detriment.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 12 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

I was served the channel by the algorithm and was concerned with the length so I attempted to share in a neutral manner unsure on reception.

I found it interesting and wanted to share the opinion

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 8 points 4 weeks ago

Yeah, there is a lot of evolving information, yet for now one can still have some measure of control over the content one can engage with

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Yes, that is a good idea around what I am thinking in regards to the "magic addictive formula"

They have a system in play that optimises the play experience in a way that is rewarding to "addictive habits" and attempts to "encourage" a habit that leans towards an addiction.


An almost 38 minute video about one man's opinion about how the curated algorithmic experiences on the modern Internet have an effect on people and how it has shaped how it is being used.

Edit: Name of channel is Technology Connections

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Thank you, it seems the scope of the thought was a lot more open-ended than I imagined.

Was thinking in the line of the how the big game companies seem to try to hook people onto their game experiences and when one hits it big, how they attempt to moderate that experience around trying to keep it at a level that is akin to selling cigarettes.

It is like they are trying to find that "magic addictive formula" and try to be the sole provider of that experience to keep a person coming back to them.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago

That sounds depressing, it is like they commoditised cheat codes. Sad to see it fall into the trappings that the game makes fun of. I can almost imagine what the GTA 6 version might become if they decide to intergrate that level of "hooks" into its shiny game environment.

I think that was the 2K launcher, if I recall, I remember they were doing something with their games (was playing XCOM 2 at the time) and promptly made use of a workaround

Didn't like the extra steps just to get into a game - like they were reminding you that you only pay for the license to play the game and the property is theirs to do with as they please. I mean, it is, but still doesn't help feeling like I am being constantly reminded.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

That is probably one of the more famous examples, yeah. They pivoted resources from the single player experience once they saw how much money they were making with their shark cards (I believe it was called). Developed an ecosystem that encouraged spending money to enjoy the game (but not forced) and I guess it was an equivalent experience of getting players to "micro-dose" with a payment to bypass elements of grind to get the best stuff and have an overall smoother experience.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 4 weeks ago

Yeah, they are more apt comparisons where the target market is built upon consistent small (or large) payments that are in a business' best interests - like in-game currencies (chips in gambling sense) are used to obfuscate the value of what a player is spending money on (which falls into one of the many psychological tricks you mentioned)

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Streaming platforms and movies are similar - yes but for them it is a one time recurring cost for the service or in a movie's case it is a pay per experience.

With game pass, for example, you can play games like streaming, but it won't be the full experience for some games (i.e the dlc and additional content) - and to be fair, it does usually come at a discount but there in lies additional costs per experience

It is like the equivalent of paying for a streaming service and then it asks and double dips, saying "hey, we see you really liked that show - want to pay us 5 more bucks to enjoy more of it" or a movie and where they ask you to spend more to see the extra deleted scenes

Games are in an area where one can both pay per experience and pay for the service and it is understandable in some cases why that can be - however there are games now that are intended for pay for experience (single player for example) that have additional costs attached to them to draw more "easy" money (this can be the case of developing something worse on purpose to offer a simpler way out of it) or you have games that are nearly the same every year (with them chopping and changing features to make it seem "fresh and new") and then leverage on a FOMO (mobile games are far worse in this regard) to "encourage" one to spend more on the original purchase.

The effort to manipulate and try to make more with less, feels more erroneous in the gaming sphere

They are trying to get people to become "addicted" to an experience and they wish to target either those that can afford it (and for them - power to them) and/or those that cannot but are unable to control their desire for more (worst case scenario - they hook a proverbial "junkie")

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 4 weeks ago (6 children)

I will be say I wasn't thinking too hard into it but, (and not direct response more how a lot of the bad elements feel like they are being pushed)

  • Was thinking how the idea of games-as-a-service and subscriptions are considered a priority
  • how samey a lot of AAA games seems to feel (like it is consoldated on a "formula")
  • a desire to manipulate towards the idea to spend more on the original product
  • supply enough of a product to get a player invested and once hooked - try to maintain that investment over a period of time
  • the product is seldom as good as advertised
  • the quality of the product, in general, feels like it is being degraded in an effort to more easily manipulate
  • games are seen as something as means to an end - and in that vein, it is targeted to be able to draw in people according to metrics and less a expression of creativity

By and large - yes, the idea can be applied to capitalism and I think the idea I was thinking of is that AAA games lean into the more exploitative area of it.

Doesn't mean it is the only one or even the worst, but I was thinking in the headspace at how the "big games companies" are trying to lean into being more manipulative (directly or subversively) and how it feels more like "drug dealers" trying to sell their brand of high, trying to dictate how to enjoy those highs, they try to lock players into a "brand" of gaming and once they can "control" what people will enjoy, attempt to exploit value from it.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 4 weeks ago

That is true, it did popularise the drive towards extracting large amounts of value for comparatively little effort

  • they want repeat players (users)
  • they repeat a formula that sells
  • when it doesn't, they look to "adjust" it with something new and preferably cheap
  • they give free samples to spread word of mouth
  • they try to lock people into their environment
  • they always want people to chase the next high
  • looking for ways to keep you hooked on something for as long as possible
  • they try to use their formula in all their products

Seems B42 unstable is out!

Although it is only for single player for now, looking forward to see the new stuff - even if it might have jank


Probably building hype creating this, but best case scenario, build .42 unstable public release looking to drop around Christmas and in the worst case early next year



So had a day where I saw I had Iridium luck and decided to pay for the ticket at 09:00 sharp. Ends up, the farmer hopped on board and decided to drive themselves to the desert



Seems that .42 has started closed external testers so that is good news

The new lighting seems oppressive and looks like night raids are probably going to require flashlights to avoid danger.

Nice seeing some basement gameplay - first thought was looking like 3rd person Rsident Evil( from the sanatorium video) and the distribution getting tweeks and wonder how they are going to tighten up the combat

Besides all the other stuff, I am really liking the reading materials and how its being implemented.


Slapped together images (Doom Eternal, a Waaagh image, some Orkish icon and a picture someone created of Tuska) in celebration of ORKtober.

Tuska the Daemon-Killa

spoilerIs an Ork Warboss who, aided by many weirdboyz, managed to bypass the defenses around Cadia and led his Waaagh! in an invasion of the Eye of Terror, in search of Daemons to fight.

Tuska made his mark in the Eye of Terror, by defeating the Daemon hordes on several Daemon Worlds, and seemed unstoppable until his Waaagh! crash-landed on a flesh planet. The planet belonged to a mighty Daemon Prince of Khorne known as the Blood Prince, who soon led his Daemonic hordes against the invading Orks. In the battle that followed, Tuska suffered many deep wounds and his Boyz took heavy losses.

Just as the Blood Prince was about to finish Tuska, his Weirdboyz managed to distract the Daemon using their psychic powers, giving Tuska enough time to impale the creature between its legs with his Power Klaw before being killed himself. The Warboss’ vast horde was later eventually slain to an Ork by the wrathful Daemon Prince and his minions.

However, the story did not end there for Tuska. Khorne had such joy in watching the murderous spectacle, that he ensured that Tuska's Waaagh! rose once more the very next dawn. Now, the Orks repeat the fight over and over again, for the Blood God was so impressed by their limitless battlelust that he took the Orks into his own domain. In the shadow of the Brass Citadel, his elite Bloodletter generals battle against Daemon-Killa’s undying horde on a daily basis. This suits the Warboss just fine: he has finally found a good fight that never ends.


Tuska Image credit:

Reddit User: smashed_head



Writing this to see what moments that have happened in game that has one step back and appreciate the systems at play.

I just recalled a moment where I had setup in the farmhouse north east of maldraugh and the helicopter event happened, so I hurried upstairs and waited for it to end.

When it did, decided to take a nap as I heard the downstairs windows being broken as wanted to prepare for the worst case of making an emergency exit.

So character wakes up in the middle of the night and it is a thunderstorm, so think screw it, going to take a chance and clear my "front yard".

I climb out the second story window, onto the veranda decking, and jump down into probably about 20 zomboids mulling about in all directions - which the lightning surpised me when it struck, showing me more than I was expecting.

So in the middle of the night amongst the separated group I went about sneaking and trying to take them out one at a time, with the screen having moments being fully lit up from the lightning threatening my position and the possibility being compromised and they all converge.

So there was my survivor shanking zomboids in the middle of night alongside the thunderstorm, as bodies kept falling and eventually peace of mind as the numbers thinned out enough to not be a problem if the weather worked against me.

Was quite a sight the next morning as the fields in front of the house were spread out with corpses and the resultant blood spray across it where I had to resort to blunt force to solve a problem.

Just found the ambiance of the sound of the thunderstorm, the little "stealth" mini-game of removing the threat with the thought of the lightning giving my position as well as seeing the carnage in the daylight was a great use of the weather system and how the game makes its own narrative.


So I tried to take steps to try improve myself and I have been able to sort of come up with something where I do daily tasks and over the weekend take it easy.

Basically, light meditation, some positive words to myself, exercise, journalling, consistent self-care and reading

I have made it to 7 days so far with me being able to complete the tasks I have been setting for myself.

However as a concequence of journalling out stuff, I have been confronted with an area of my life that I have not let vent out properly. It's its own monster of sorts that feels like it is consuming my thoughts as I relive and try come to terms with past events that leave me with realising how deep the regret and anger I have kept underwraps.

How that part of my life had some effect in disrupting my academic prospects as I let it thrown me off enough that I ended up dropping out in frustration of falling behind and also how I listened to someone ask that I do not do something I wanted to do, but out of respect to them I ended up regretting not doing it.

It is has the disruptive flow to things as it boils off and simmers as something I am having difficulty trying to come to terms with

Before I get too off track and devolving into that, I'll refocus towards what I wish to ask.

Is there resources or a social group where one can join that can act like an accountability group of sorts as I fear that what I am doing now will eventually hit a wall where I fall off and linger into bad habits again.

I know I have been driven to do the tasks on a day-to-day basis, but I already have days where it is hard to do it and I sort of just get through things out of a stubborness to tick off a box with a clean conscious, but I fear that I can only do so much on my own steam with the concern that I might need someone to help "revive the battery" if it runs low

I cannot rely on anyone that I know and I get people have their own lives but the I have tried reaching out to people that I trust and I only had one help, but they are an unreliable source of help( not in a bad way) as they can only really listen when they have time for it as they live in a different timezone and they keep a busy life schedule so asking for help is not something is readily available.

The other people I have tried have yet to really show in interest in communicating.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the person who was trying to help me and coincidentally also put the framework in place for the idea for the routine has also recently cut me off as well so I cannot look towards them for assistance either.

Mentioning that as I feel alone in this and have concern that I will relapse if I try to work on my "strength" alone

  • So something I have never really used in Zomboid is guns, always collect it and the closest I have used them is unloading and loading during a storm.

I acknowledge guns are powerful, but I rarely see the need to use them when I can peel off stagglers and work my way towards a building without drawing unnecessary attention.

  • I have been bitten enough times to second story and blind corner zomboid campers, but I wish to one day visit a multi-floored building like the hospital

  • Make a cake, the ingredients that are required to make one are usually rotten once I have established myself

  • Deciding to use the starter home as one's home base and secure it

  • Building a home from scratch, which is a long term commitment and requires plenty of resources, but something about it carries a certain charm

  • Actually find a note home as I usually read it and stash it, while forgetting about or being unwilling to commit to a long multi-day journey unless I have made contingencies along the way


Curse you, Bark Anthony! https://lemmy.world/post/20225360

Compelled me to contribute

Image source: https://kr.pinterest.com/pin/464363411556861530/

Image author: https://kr.pinterest.com/kelseybbb/


It can be whatever, but has anyone ever experienced a moment or moments that has happened to them that defies one's expectations so wildly that they cannot reasonably define it beyond stupid dumb luck?

I still play this scenario out in my mind years later as I am still somewhat in disbelief that it actually happened and I walked away without any injuries.

I like to joke, saying my guardian angel tripped me at the perfect time.

Scenario describing my event in question:


I noticed two suspicious individuals and as I past them they started to walk towards me. My response was to shout and make a scene while trying to make distance crossing the road without concern for traffic - road was quiet, early in the morning on a holiday as I was on my way to work.

The suspicious individuals responded by rushing towards me as one produced a knife and prepared it in lunging stance like someone preparing to slam a knife into a board.

I knew I couldn't outrun them, no self-defense training, the best I could come up was extend my left hand out to minimise the target area of my vital organs. I was preparing for the worst and I guess fight or flight was preparing for a last stand fight.

What happened next is that I tripped on the pavement in the middle of the road at the exact same time the guy with the knife lunged.

He went flying over me - in an arc - from the momentum of the lunge with everything of his flying everywhere including his knife, his accomplice rushed into my periphery.

I landed in probably the worst scenario lying on my back, but I tried to keep the attackers in view. I don't know why but the guy - who disarmed himself from the fall - panicked and picked up all his stuff and started running with his accomplice in tow.

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