Also it can be turned into a coolest spaceship, with its CDRom attachment, a very first in 1988!
Also the HuCard format for its games is unbeatable!
That's to me part of the delight in modern experience of classic games: to go through these games you never had a chance to complete before! mostly with a few features:
Combining those together gives anyone the occasion to just experience any of these games, from start to finish, in a relatively short period of time. a 90s arcade brawler or shmup or such goes in one sitting of usually less than one hour... anyone is free to then decide to practice them hundreds of times until they decide to stop using these features one by one and/or use them as creative constraints along the way of their own training, etc...
In short: modern emulation gaming levels the playing field (pun very much intended) when it comes to making those games accessible to everyone, especially those nail-hard ones, by giving access to a wide diversity of ways to experience them! yay! \o/
When people make a joke about a name in a different language than theirs, based on not being able to pronounce it correctly, is it just stupidity, or stupidity AND racism?
(i guess answer depends on whether or not the different language is spoken by a minority in the space stupid people make that joke?)
Retrospectively, wasn't a lot of the space-exploration-based SciFi from the 50s 60s 70s serving the purpose of justifying massive government spendings in big rockets, mainly used to build ICBMs, to justify imperialist policies and the cold war?
were we (the scifi afficionados) the useful idiots of this missile race?
Simplex.chat is promising, with great privacy/anonymity concepts at its core:
wait until you've tried with a PCEngine! ;)