Socialism with a resource based economy
Great stuff. They have been throwing their weight around for far too long.
No and it hasn't been for a long time. As long as you can buy influence via lobbying then the playing field is not level.
The difference this time is they are not trying to hide it anymore
First 2 were great and then it just got too ridiculous. 3 and 4 should have been a separate franchise. The new one is bland too. I'm playing through it now but it is nothing to sneeze at. The characters are forced and its like a Disney game. I got it for free at least
They can stick it somewhere else
Teabag, honey, hot water and then milk (almond in my case)
Streisand effect
If he is below put your phone alarm really loud and on vibrate and under a bowl and or pot and let it ring.
Do it every time hes an asshole. Also do it at 4am so if he wakes at 5 he's losing that hour of sleep.
That or the ol frozen piss disc under the door 😄
Ainda estou aqui or "im still here" as it is known in english. It is out in cinemas now. It is based on a true story and a stark reminder of why we should not forget history. It was really well done and I recommend it to everyone. The whole cinema was silent watching it.
He can go suck a lemon 🍋