
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

See my reply. They're an alt of Call Me Lenny/Leni, a known troll who writes up huge hard to understand posts like this whenever something doesn't go their way. There's evidence of them grooming a minor, telling a trans person to kill themselves in a Discord chat after calling them a slur (then lying/gaslighting that the slur came from One Piece even though the context and tone it was used in says otherwise which is why Lenny/Leni never shows what was actually said and other people have to show it), and they've defended both Elon Musk's Nazi salutes and the German AfD party, which uses Nazi salutes in its official promotional campaign. They recently got permabanned in a bunch of communities including a transgender community and had their mod privileges on their main account revoked.

They've also defended people who draw CP and associate with like minded people in their Discord server. If you see someone defending shinigamiookamiryuu/Call Me Lenny/Leni out of the blue, chances are it's either an alt of theirs or a friend from their server.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Just so people are aware, OP is a sockpuppet account of a persistent transphobic troll known as Call Me Lenny/Leni or shinigamiookamiryuu that has spread Nazi apologia. Their history of malicious behavior goes back 5+ years all the way up to now. There's also evidence of them grooming a minor on Deviantart, impersonating the people who called them out, and they play the victim by calling it "slander" and then attempt to gaslight and manipulate people (and mods) once the proof is shown. They recently got permabanned from several communities by an admin (and then deliberately over-simplified what the admin said to try and seem innocent).

They have also created a [email protected] community.

This is a community where those who seek to be manipulative or discuss manipulation can come to discuss themselves and ways they bent norms and rules. If that sounds crazy to you, there is a rationale and it isn’t necessarily illegal or immoral, in fact it’s arguably the opposite. Suppose you live in a world where you are everyone’s target, and they’re willing to engage in hypocrisy if it means fulfilling this. You cannot fight back, you are only one individual and you will lose. You cannot leave. You cannot stand to sit through it. What do you do? You find loopholes and put their tactics in such a position that they are fooled or swayed against each other. Imagine there are anonymous reporters who falsely report both SWAT and the CPS on you. Though this example is borderline illegal, as is reporting them on you, a machiavellian is the one who puts them in a position where they meet up in your home and go after each other. Machiavellianism is the martial arts of the mind, the Karate Kid for people who cannot rely on their bodies. Please note that, in order to honor Lemmy, anything that’s actually aligned with criminality will be banned, as will the posters.

Lemmy had an outage a few hours ago, and Lenny/Leni is sending themselves anonymous asks on their blog (a blog they spam a lot on each of their accounts) and agreeing with themselves that the outage was caused by the admins that banned them.

Them downplaying Elon Musk's Nazi salutes by comparing it to Pokemon + them saying the AfD Party aren't pro Nazi

Them defending drawn CP on Discord:

Them telling a trans person to kill themselves after calling them a slur (they pretend to be a trans ally in public):

Them grooming someone who they knew was only 14 on their permabanned Triagonal account on DeviantArt (they include a link to their Triagonal account on their Call Me Lenny/Leni account, in their bio):

Evidence the screenshots are genuine

Call Me Lenny/Leni claims to be a transphobia victim, even though they have stated in a two-day old Reddit comment that they are "non-trans".

They are accusing people of being transphobic to them because evidence has also been uncovered that Call Me Lenny/Leni might not be who they say they are.

They also claim to have met Kim Jong Un on World of Tanks.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Good to know action has been taken. They are known for guilt-tripping and trying to gaslight/manipulate mods/admins once they get banned from places, so be ready for that. They have quite the victim complex and are known for deliberately omitting things or twisting things on purpose so they look innocent, like they've done in this thread on one of their sockpuppet accounts, where they intentionally over-simplified what an admin said.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

You didn't "change mediums". You posted those stolen drawings on an impersonation account 5 months ago.

Now here's what you posted 26 days ago.

More art from you on your TheCunningCondor Artstation account. (Does the real TheCunningCondor know you took his username?)

Are you telling me and everyone else here that you just so happened to lose the ability to shade, do decent linework, and draw hands and faces within the span of just 5 months? Changing mediums doesn't cause you to forget basic anatomy or color theory.

You are an art thief. I advise you to stop making up excuses and stop lying.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

If you’re so convinced that I have ever set out to impersonate anyone, that I ever said I was from the UK

Your Newgrounds account, attempting to impersonate Art-Dude, a forum regular from DeviantArt who wasn't on your side when you said those things to a 14 year old boy, and then you attempted to gaslight in the profile description about a site being "mistaken" in case someone happens to find the real Art-Dude and begins to get suspicious.

What's up with you stealing other people's art on this account of yours?

Does the real xxoreothecrowxx know about this?

Your actual art looks like this:

The real Twonaps changed his name after he realized you took it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (9 children)

You literally said that you own the NiotaBunny account on Reddit on your now-permabanned DeviantArt account, Triagonal.

When people bring this up, you attempt to gaslight them. Your link goes to a post that you posted on your NiotaBunny Reddit account, and you accidentally used "I" to refer to a comment about detergent instructions you posted on this account. I've included screenshots of that in my previous comment.

Nobody is invalidating anyone. I wasn't even replying or talking to you. I'm pointing out to the other person that when you make an impersonation account, you will sometimes try to emulate specific traits of whoever you're impersonating. You also did this on your Art-Dude Newgrounds account. Art-Dude was a forum regular on DeviantArt from the UK who you didn't like, because he didn't take your side on things, and on your Art-Dude Newgrounds account you put your location as being from a place in the UK. You gaslight about this in your bio.

which I don’t have and never said I had

Not on this account you don't. But you have other accounts where you try to pretend to be other people.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (11 children)

CraigOhMyEggo is "NiotaBunny" on Reddit, aka one of Shinigamiookamiryuu's/Leni's/Triagonal's personas.

Leni/Triagonal pretends to have DID on the "NiotaBunny" persona accounts because the real Niotabunny they're impersonating (who is on DeviantArt and changed their username after Leni/Triagonal stole it to use on Reddit) actually has DID. The real NiotaBunny changed their username to Shinigamiookamiryuu but changed it again after Leni/Triagonal stole it to use on Lemmy. They sign up using the usernames of people on DeviantArt who exposed them for the things mentioned in the other post, particularly the things they said to a boy they knew was only 14.

Leni's/shinigamiookamiryuu's DeviantArt account was Triagonal, and on that account they stated that the NiotaBunny account on Reddit is theirs. They then attempt to gaslight/sealion people whenever this is brought up.

They recently messed up by referring to an easily findable comment they made on their main Lemmy account in the first person on their "NiotaBunny" sockpuppet account on Reddit, twisting what actually went down and complaining about downvotes.

The thread in question. Only the Leni/Shini account commented. When people point out them pretending to have DID on a sockpuppet account they use to impersonate a DeviantArt member who actually has DID, they will deliberately twist their words and complain that "people are denying that DID exists" (when that's not being said) as a way to manipulate.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

The fact this is all slander

It isn't slander when I can link to things you've posted on your other accounts over the internet, such as these comments you made to a DeviantArt forum member who you knew was only 14 on your permabanned "Triagonal" account, and like the user Red October said in this thread, Having the absolute thinnest veil of plausible deniability isn’t an excuse.

aside from the doxxing parts

You aren't being doxxed. The alias you use is one that you've used publicly throughout the internet. You publicly list and interlink your accounts. You aren't actually concerned about being doxxed, you're going to lie to people that you're being doxxed while omitting the important part (that the alias is one you publicly use) to try and get this post removed.

Since people mentioned you using "plausible deniability" you made vagueposts/trollposts about it on Reddit under your NiotaBunny sockpuppet account.

Before you say "NiotaBunny on Reddit isn't my alt", you literally admitted that you own the account.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

They were featured on Ye Power Trippin' Bastards and raised a stink over being featured on it:

They are known to engage in a type of trolling known as "sea lioning", and others in the comments have pointed this out:

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (40 children)

You recently trolled about how Elon Musk's Nazi salute "has been debunked though" and when people proved you wrong, you proceeded to troll about how "you can't speak for other people's intentions" before locking the thread. You even used the "Roman salute" excuse and then went off on a tangent about Japanese anime.

A portion of your blog post supposedly debunking everything is just spent waffling about Elon Musk.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

These were literally the first results. The very first result was your Instagram account. Lying to onlookers is not a good look.


Hello. I wasn't sure where to post about this and a friend directed me here. This is about AskLemmy on the instance's newly appointed mod, shinigamiookamiryuu.

For clarity reasons I am going to mention they are also known as "Triagonal" and various other aliases. I'm using a fresh account because the person this post is about is known to dox the people who expose them, like they did with Morothias here

I'm also trans, so I'd prefer it if a person who tells trans people to shoot up schools (see image below) doesn't have access to my main account.

Here's a recent in-depth post which goes into detail about this person and includes lots of direct links.


Their modus operandi is this:

  1. They'll do/say reprehensible things.
  2. When people give evidence of those reprehensible things in the form of direct links, they will call it "slander". When this fails to work, they then try to gaslight everyone by saying "you're taking it out of context" "you cannot speak for my intentions" , hoping people fall for it. This is a very common tactic they've used for years. Don't fall for it.
  3. They paint themselves as a targeted victim, hoping people (including mods/admins) take their word for it and don't look into the links that got posted.

There is a person who has an account on Lemmy, who has a 5 year long history of malicious trolling, doxing, catfishing, creepy comments they made to someone they knew was only 14, and telling a trans person to kill themselves after shooting up a school then gaslighting people on Lemmy about it by saying "where did I say anything about a shooter". Their actions are such that multiple people are chronicling the various reprehensible things they've said and done and continue to do. They resort to doxing, impersonating, and harassing anyone who exposes them or isn't on their side which is why a lot of people who call them out use fresh accounts for their own safety.

Here's a screenshot of them telling a trans person to "do what the person in Nashville did". They are referring to the Nashville school shooter, Aiden Hale, who was trans. They also called them a Japanese slur that is equivalent to the f-word

Here's the creepy comments they made to a DeviantArt forum member who they knew was only 14 years old. They doubled down on it when confronted.

They have also defended CP.

They raised a big stink on Ye Power Trippin' Bastards for their mod actions on AskLemmy.

There are a ton of links to things the troll has posted, on their own accounts, such as when they trolled on AskLemmy on by saying Elon Musk's Nazi salute "has been debunked though" and proceeded to gaslight commenters in the comments, then locking their own thread. They are highly manipulative and try to paint themselves as a victim who is being targeted for no reason by calling the evidence in the links "slander" and saying "you can't speak for other people's intentions".

Here's them trolling about how Elon Musk's Nazi salute "has been debunked though" and then trolling people once those people proved them wrong by gaslighting them about how "you can't speak for other people's intentions!".

They like to portray themselves as an innocent person who is "being targeted for no reason" hoping that mods and admins who are unaware of their history take their word for it without looking into things. They will claim to mods/admins that they're being doxed because their alias, which the troll publicly posts everywhere, was mentioned in posts exposing them. They do this because they want people who point out what they're doing to be banned, not because they're actually concerned about doxing. Please bear in mind that this user has been caught using an AI generated voice trying to pass it off as their own and they have been permabanned from Discord servers for making up excuses when asked by mods to prove they are who they say they are. They are using a fake internet persona.

Recently, they got permabanned from Bulbagarden after the administrators discovered "concerning off-site conduct"

They have been banned and had posts removed countless times for "trolling"


Another thing this user will do is sign up on websites using the exact usernames of the people who originally exposed them on DeviantArt and then, once called out for this, will troll about being "inspired" by those usernames, omitting the fact they've 1. done this dozens of times 2. they only steal the usernames of the people who exposed them on DeviantArt. They'll also list their country on the impersonation accounts as being from the country of the person they're impersonating, among other things, like pretending to have DID on an account that's named after a person on DeviantArt who actually has DID and then manipulate people by claiming people calling them out on this are "denying DID exists".

They report any posts that aren't on their side, claiming they're being doxed because the poster used their alias, an alias they publicly use throughout the internet, and are known for faking many aspects of their persona online.

I apologize for the lengthy post, but is it appropriate for such a person to be a mod on AskLemmy, which is a popular community, given their actions both on Lemmy and off-site?

edit: They're now in this thread saying Elon Musk's Nazi salute was debunked and are comparing it to Pokemon. Link

edit 2: gaslighting + sealioning in the comments

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