To be fair, I don't think the overall USA really cared about nor directly responded to the OG Nazis until... 12/7/1941? Of course, that was just the Nazi allies.
Hey now - give them some credit. They're 100% aware of what Fox News and other media outlets that seem them too "liberal" as Fox News are telling them!
Neither of those are unique from a majority of 401(k) plans in the U.S - taking out a loan against it included. You'll still take a sizeable tax hit on an early distribution from any retirement plan - TSP included. You should be able to do a direct rollover to any active 401(k), 403(b), or IRA penalty free. I worked in the government for 5 years, and a financial planning firm for just about 2.
Most federal civilian employees are now on a 401(k) equivalent. Air Traffic likes to mention how they are one of the ones left with a pension, but clearly, nothing is guaranteed.
Guess I really need to pay attention if we have a "Tread of Fascists" flag hanging up then. Somehow it's potentially legally worse than a Confederate flag in the US? My poor, Union ancestors and very heavy U.S./Pennsylvanisch Deitsche ancestry.
These are BODIES OF WATER, dammit!!! Not something as easily-reclassified like what qualifies as a craft brewery!
I read this online, and nobody has been able to provide entire proof to the contrary!
...and members of other generations feel that Kamalotov
They just seemed like a person that might be turned off if they thought it was a kissing book!
Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes...
And a vast majority of their supporters will believe anything that comes out of their sloven mouths.
I guess I should have specified I meant whom cared to be against them. Whenever I mention the full NAZI Madison Square rally to others, too many are still unaware. I always appreciate others bringing this shit history event to light!