I hate the "household income" statistic for this exact reason. It obfuscates the number of people working. Not just both parents but also adult children living with their parents and working.
If you look at Canada's single income household data from 2000 to 2020, the average income for males went from $30k to $34k CAD and females were roughly $17k to $25k. I would bet the US wages went up by a similar amount.
Always online. You can start a mission and not call for reinforcements. Sometimes people like to play solo or with just one friend.
Medical bills account for 40% of bankruptcies in the US.
Rez and Fez. Similar names, very different games.
Some of the replies are hilarious. "you do not get to drop “low t men” when you look like shane gillis after a baron harkonnen-style milk bath"
I didn't see this mentioned but it's a great couch co-op indie game. Has a 93% rating on steam.
"Official capacity" has not been defined yet so we don't know what the limits are. We will have to wait and see.
I've had two employees at my work get their wages garnished for defaulting on student loans. It definitely happens.
Edit: One of the guys told me flat out that he will never willingly give a cent towards his student loans ever again. The other guy was going through some financial hardship after leaving here and we got a notice to garnish but he was no longer employed with us so we just had to respond back to the notice.
You could check on the new requirements. There are some massive changes this year to the work visa programs. One such change is that you don't have to work in your field of education anymore.
Wife and I are moving to Frankfurt am Main next month from the USA. Hopefully it goes well for us.