The hate and down votes are not for having an opinion on the language, they are for self-righteously proclaiming that opinion in inappropriate places. Someone sharing a cool project they made is not the place to start gatekeeping their choice of tech. That's just being an asshole.
He is simply well cushioned for a strong gust of wind to knock him into his back. Always be prepared for bad weather!
Yes, but it reads more to the tone of "my greatest weakness is I am too successful", like it's more about bragging about herself than it is actually being introspective.
Donny's "redeeming" quality was that he was full of shit and didn't follow through with most of the stuff he said. This time around stuff is actually happening, and quickly due to Musktongue
Dude I remember the hype around the last 5 mins of a GBA game auction on eBay, only to taste the disappointment when the price like doubled in the last 10 seconds
Comparing to homeless people is a very poor comparison. Better to compare to a company with distasteful practices experiencing hardship. And yes in those cases I would laugh.
It's literally just a domain name after all
I think kids don't usually have a box to "think outside of" until it is instilled by the school system. Until then it's just thinking. (But I'm no teacher, this might be an ignorant take)
This is close, but as someone already said, an index into a list just means you are mutating the list.
Your stable "identifier" needs to be a function, ie. a reused design pattern. Compared to the list, this would be an index function which gets an element from an arbitrary list, meaning you don't have to mutate your list anymore, you just build a new one which still works with your function.
This is why languages which avoid mutation and side effects are always (to my knowledge) functional languages.
My point is that even asking permission is very weird in most cases.
I think this only makes sense if the engaging couple are like super close with the wedding pair. And even then it depends a lot on the personalities of the couple getting married
He is like tony stark in a timeline where Tony stark decided to join the terrorists instead of building the suit to escape. Oh and in this timeline Tony Starks brain has been rotted away by ketamine
We should make nightgalas. Dark rooms, flashing lights, modern music, but traditional dancing and elegant dress