This is the Mighty No. 9 clown, right? If you ask me, Level-5 is better off without him.
The fuck are you on about? This post is such an extreme overreaction. You've successfully made up a bunch of shit that you think I'm advocating for and then gotten super mad about your own bullshit. I didn't say that nothing should have changed or evolved from back then. I said that Javascript was a bad way forward and that I don't think there's anything wrong with separation of software by function instead of making one bit of software an all in one solution. But go ahead and rant and make personal attacks. I don't even know why I'm trying to clarify my position to someone who's intent on demonstrating they're clearly not someone worth discussing things with.
Your post asking for a solution was in the past tense. I answered in that context. Anyone following the discussion is able to see that. If you changed your frame of reference in your mind to the present day, you sure didn't communicate that here, so that's on you. How would we solve this problem today? I don't think we can. Javascript and the like are way too entrenched and web apps are a way of life now. We're stuck with this privacy invading nonsense until something drastic changes, but I don't know that that change would look like.
Web apps don't need to exist, so yeah. A website should just be a website. If there's something that NEEDS a whole ass application to run, that should be something you have the choice to download and install, not implemented in an invasive way in unrelated software meant to show some interactive text, images, and video.
There was no problem requiring a solution. Just like cars functioned perfectly fine as cars for decades before becoming gross, always online, data harvesting privacy invasion devices, the "solution" would have been to just not do that. Cars used to let you drive places just fine before jamming internet connections in them. Similarly, browsers used to let you browse the web just fine before we decided to abandon stand alone software development to jam everything in a browser.
This always bugged me a little, but when I saw how much support the mobile Animal Crossing game got, it really made me sad. They poured money and development resources into that game, but left the full price, multi million seller behind after a year, and it still lacks many features of its predecessors. I love the game and still play it off and on, but damn. It could have really been the pinnacle of the series.
Unless I kissed something, those people he fired are still fired. The people he deported are still deported. What does my belief, or lack thereof, accomplish? "Don't believe him," might be good advice for the people tasked with announcing or carrying out his illegal orders, but those orders are still real and are still happening. If those people don't believe him and refuse to carry out those orders, then we're getting somewhere. But you and me and everyone else in this thread? I don't see how our beliefs are going to counter the damage being done.
They got bought by a malvertising company a few years ago. It's what made me drop them after being a customer of theirs for years.