Their products will fail and they will learn. This is likely people who do not know English very well seeking to use AI to automatically name their products for them. Not a terrible application for AI, but certainly shouldn't be fully automated with no editorial oversight.
Some people care more about driving adoption than being a federation absolutist my dude.
If you haven't watched a YouTube video in the last year I'll give you $20.
"By using non-parametric trends30,31 and considering an ensemble of 146 CMIP533 and CMIP634 climate model runs (Tables S1 and S2), we identify regions where wetting and drying patterns converge across the globe. Our trend-based approach aligns with the continuous nature of radiative forcing35, provides flexibility and robustness in detecting and quantifying global warming-induced changes, and effectively controls for natural variability36.
Our innovative approach (see “Methods”) evaluates the entire time-series using no interannual averaging and combines information from the fullest range of GCM projections available to determine their agreement and the extent of precipitation impacts with no ensemble aggregation. This is important because each set of simulations provides a plausible storyline of future precipitation patterns under elevated global warming, rather than using aggregated data which can obscure important trends and patterns."
Read the methods before commenting on them please. This study uses 146 different simulation models and takes a non-averaged median projected value to generate the final projections.
Odysee is one of the biggest distributed video hosting platforms, equivalent to PeerTube. It's not sketch, but the embed isn't working for some reason. That is on the instance admin.
You said the level of effort can't be matched. It certainly can by the same man.
Follow this simple rule for clarity, replace the names and ethnic background of the parties in question with A and B, acknowledge that A and B have historical conflict and are distinct ethnic groups but set aside their cultural characteristics and specifics. Now take the actions of A towards B and compare them to historical examples. Under jurisprudence there can be no a priori exoneration of any group due to historical factors, actors must be judged solely on their actions.
The ICC follows "The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. It does not include political groups or so called “cultural genocide”." And Israel is walking a fine line at the moment by claiming that they are exterminating a political group "Hamas" but their actions towards the civilian population will determine their guilt or innocence in the eyes of history and the international community. The ICC's job is to collect all the facts that we civilians can not, and make a determination based on those facts. If you believe Israel is innocent, you should not worry as the facts will clearly exonerate them and so will history be written.
Or you know... Peter Jackson again.
They do if you're on kbin or mbin
Hot. Do more.
Vaselgel is too cheap to manufacture to get the funding it needs to bring it to market, that's why they have been trying for 20 years and haven't succeeded yet. In the US the rights are owned by a non profit Parsemu Foundation formed to fund it. It looks like their private partner NEXT Life Sciences is actually set to come to market with a vaselgel product in 2026 they are calling Plan A.
Interesting marketing choice comparing it to the Plan B pill.
Bring in the military to feed my kids some vegetables.
Copyright issues aside, can we talk about how this implies accurate recall of an image from a never before achievable data compression ratio? If these models can actually recall the images they have been fed this could be a quantum leap in compression technology.