Do John wick style bullet proof suits actually exist (and work)?
Tourette syndrome makes people do involuntary Nazi salutes. Not Autism.
He's going to fall out of the cab on the next right turn.
Seems a shame to waste the batteries though.
Slashing tyres is probably more eco friendly.
That's the soccer team.
Another rich country paying membership fees. Why not? (Ignoring general bureaucratic problems)
I don't think Trump can drive. As in, he doesn't even know what the pedals do.
First wave was ICOs
Second wave was NFTs
Third wave was (is) memecoins
Are the waves are getting smaller?
Trump broke satire. Stupidity has much more confidence than it used to have.
Agreed. The upper estimate is that only 5% of money laundering goes through crypto.
It's not accepted as money anywhere that matters.
You can buy houses and cars with crypto.
It's a market speculation vehicle built on the fucking aether
Heard of futures, options and swaps? Aren't they equally built out fucking aether.
But it sure as fuck ain't money
It is accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts.
Don't splinter then. Amputate.