Israel the aggressor on average by a long shot, but not this time.
It's still more monstrous that anything Isreal have done.., and boy oh boy they've done things.
I've seen way too many photos and videos in the past day. I've seen a women got shot in her car from the outside. Her baby was executed on the back seat. Mind you, the religion they believe in absolutely prohibits this.
I've seen the video of the Israeli soldiers lifeless bodies getting beaten and limbs getting cut off. I've seen soldier bodies getting loaded on to jeeps, pickups or even a guy carrying a body with a scooter.
I saw the video of an Israeli woman taken hostage, with her crotch are having blood(?) stains.
I've seen the pictures of women that were taken hostage and their relatives looking for them in Facebook. (Technically, Islam don't prohibit female hostages to be used as sex slaves, but I might be wrong on that).
I even saw the German girl they've murdered, strip and carry the body around with a pickup.
On the other side, the worst thing Israelis did were to strip down and reverse hand cuffed bunch of Hamas people. Also numbering them with paint.
Both sides are bad but holy fuck, seeing what Hamas have done in the course of a single day.., Isrealis look like they're good guys (which they definitely aren't, btw).
To be fair, they were very open about intentions to bomb Gazza from the first moment war was declared. PM called for civilians to evacuate to city.
Didn't know that, cool!
The last paragraph has a Mechanicus ring to it lmao
Go play Half Life Alyx, a "real" game on Source 2.
I wonder if it has a native Vulkan renderer now or it just has DXVK baked in. If the latter, bad news is it halves my framerate İN CS2LT on Windows.
Good! Between regular renewables, I wish we had more fission development though as they are actually greener per kW produced interestingly.
Tip, just make a seperate EFI partition for Linux. That way, garbage Windows installer won't be able to fuck up your install. Altough this assumes you're running a non-shit EFI mobo that looks for things to boot in every partition.
Venn diagram of people who understand this specific technicality and people who don't want to deal with the shitty TV software is almost a circle though.
I'd rather get a Android box at the very least.., or just HTPC.
I do. It's more secure than any other alternative. Not private, but really, really secure.
Have you seen even a single damn wiki article about this place, let alone read a book?