
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 45 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Very funny, the people who were saying "good luck losing your customers!" Uh, it's FOSS lmao. What customers?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Wow, those are absolutely breathtaking. Great photography, too!


In early June I went to a local drag show at a bar my friend's mom owns. It was her first time seeing me since my transition, and she was surprised with how happy and lively I was, compared to the masc person she had previously known. One of the songs the queen sung was very sad and she was deeply moved, and ended up crying on us pretty hard.

Apparently after that, she resolved to make a little care package for me to help me along in my transition. After all, buying a whole new wardrobe for yourself is very expensive lol. She sent me a message asking to meet her at the bar, and we ended up having drinks together and unboxing all the lovely things she got for me.

She got me two bags, two skirts, a dress, some boots, a pair of heels, fishnet tights, makeup, a target gift card, SO much stuff. I was really moved; nobody has ever done something like that for me before.

Anyway, I did a little mini photo shoot to show her how everything fit, and to tell her how much I liked it all! I think the pictures turned out alright, and felt like sharing.


I spent this last weekend partying at a cabin, then came home and immediately had to do a 5:00am video shoot for work come Monday morning, so I had no energy to put into my appearance today at all; I have been a walking husk, just carrying this fresh-outta-bed disheveled look through my day lol.

Once my shoot was over, I decided to get myself some McDonald's breakfast and went through the drive through. I made my order in my very deep voice, and was told, "ok, that will be $7.50 at the next window, sir." That's what I expected, because I have quite a manly voice as default, and I am not confident enough in my voice training to use it out in public.

However, I get up to the window to pay, the lady takes one look at me, and says "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, ma'am! Of course, ma'am!" That had never happened to me before, where somebody heard me speak, sees me and still decides I'm a woman. Getting misgendered did not bug me at all, since it was what I expected in my unglamorous presentation today, but hearing her be so sure that "ma'am" was the right word for me even in my husk state really just made my day.

I spent the next hour just saying "Wow, holy hell. Whoa. That's crazy," in joyful disbelief. Early shoot be damned, today kicks ass! I just needed to tell somebody lol

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

".get" on a dictionary saves so much space, gonna use that all the time! Thank you!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Huh, a long faucet ad in Vietnamese posted to the Star Trek lemmy community. How in the world has this come to pass? lol

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Oh my! Unexpected frost is the last thing you want. I'm glad you're prepared though, seems like those plants are in good hands!

I just finished planting a bunch of melons and amaranth yesterday. This year, I'm intent on harvesting amaranth seeds and doing my best to make some edible bread out of the flour! We'll see how it goes. We don't have the biggest garden this year, but we have enough to keep us busy. Been fun, so far!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Those are great nails!


I feel like I am at a point in my transition where I might benefit from adding progesterone into the equation. However, I have heard wildly different opinions on whether it has any impact at all, and criticism of generally available creams on amazon for not being the same as human progesterone, since they are often derived from plants.

What do you girls think? Are they junk, or are there some out there worth trying?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Wow, they both look fantastic! I'm envious of your skills

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Genius frog invents accessorizing

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks for posting the map! Looks like here in central washington, I am out of luck haha. Better luck next time, I s'pose!


This last weekend, my friend encouraged me to try learning puppy dog eyeliner since he thought it complemented my eye shape. I'd never used liquid liner before, and wow, it is tough to master lol.

Trying to achieve this look quickly became my Dark Souls; get off work, sit at vanity, get ass metaphorically kicked SO hard, wipe off, repeat.

Last night I finally got something mostly symmetrical and clean, and I'm really happy with it! Feeline quite pleased overall. Just wanted to share!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Very cool! I had a blast playing it. Nice that it will be available to a broader audience soon


I was out helping my grandma do some shopping when an employee came up and asked, "are you ladies finding everything ok?"

I am not out to my family but I have been on E for a number of months and got a bob recently, so I guess that was enough for a stranger to guess woman over man. I was even wearing a big Carhartt jacket my parents got me because it's v cold rn, so it was definitely not my outfit!

Felt pretty cool, and I just wanted to share!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

And I love Peri

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

It has been a long time since I installed the M0nkrus CC programs, but I remember getting startup errors like this when I lacked the visual c++ prerequisites for premiere, etc. When installing purchased adobe software, it installs all the VC++ libraries it needs, but the M0nkrus installers do not. Might want to check which ones you have, and install the ones that are missing


Visited my mom and dad for thanksgiving, and one of the first things my mom said to me was "Wow! Your hair and skin look great. What are you doing differently?"

I am not yet ready for the awkward conversation that coming out will entail, so I had to restrain myself from saying "yeah I just inject e once a week" lol.

I'm only about four months in, but people seem to be noticing positive differences in me. Pretty cool!


She's called Theseus.

This death trap is built on the frame of a junker 1985 Honda Shadow I bought for very cheap. It combines a 30AH 48 volt battery with a beefy Kelley Controls bldc controller and a 3kw motor which seems to be intended for golf carts.

On a flat, straight road this thing can achieve 50mph, limiting it solely to city use, but it climbs hills decently well and has gotten me to work and back many, many times.

The front sprocket has 16 teeth, and the rear sports a whopping 72. This is to compensate for the very high speed of the motor but frankly pathetic torque. At a lower gear ratio, this under-powered machine would not be capable of hauling its heavy 80s frame up my long and steep driveway.

It is ugly and probably quite dangerous, but I love it very much.


This weekend I was camping at a faire with some friends, and resolved to tell the last person in my friend group about my transition.

The talks went over really well with my other friends, but I have been pretty anxious for each of them because I feel like I never have a good idea what the reaction will be.

In full disclosure, by this point in the faire all of us were fairly inebriated. The group had kind of fractured off into smaller clusters, so it was just me, my friend I hadn't told, and one that I had. We were walking back to camp from a spot where we had been watching the stars, and I felt like it was as good an opportunity as any.

"Hey, now that we have a moment, I've got something I've gotta tell you," I said. My friend inmediately froze in place, arms spread in a T-pose, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. I thought perhaps the way I lead into the convo sounded like I was going to say something grave lol.

"So... I've been going through a bit of a transition," I say. She immediately loosens up once again and nods, following along with what I'm saying. "I've actually been on E for about two months." "Uh huh," she says, with a look that implied she was waiting for the bombshell she expected me to drop.

"That's it," I said after a moment. "That's all the news," I followed, laughing a little. "Oh ok, nice!" She replies. "That's cool!" I guess she expected me to tell her I had cancer or something. I told her it seemed like she was taking this very casually, and she said that gender has always been whatever to her. "You're still my friend. I think that's awesome!"

I had not anticipated such immediate and unflinching acceptance. I count myself very fortunate to have such cool friends. Anyway, I thought it might be nice to put that story out there! I am still kind of reeling from the support I have received, and wanted to share.

Hope you all are having a good week!


I told my little discord community about my transition and their response made me smile. I like that imagery a lot, very poetic lol

Queen of Queens (

Showed my friend when my estrogen arrived, and his response made me laugh.

I hope this is not offensive to those of faith! I just thought this image paired with injecting E was very funny


At my last telehealth appointment, I asked my provider if I could switch to injections after reading some advice on here. Taking the strain off of my liver seems like it can only be a good thing!

I am scheduled for an instructional appointment tomorrow morning to learn how to administer them properly. Nervous, but looking forward to the change!


I am more than a month into HRT, and I have been seeing some small changes over the month but not experiencing that ache people talk about at all. I was hoping that perhaps I would be immune and it would never start, but nope lol.

Seems like it is here to stay!

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