Wow, those are absolutely breathtaking. Great photography, too!
".get" on a dictionary saves so much space, gonna use that all the time! Thank you!
Huh, a long faucet ad in Vietnamese posted to the Star Trek lemmy community. How in the world has this come to pass? lol
Oh my! Unexpected frost is the last thing you want. I'm glad you're prepared though, seems like those plants are in good hands!
I just finished planting a bunch of melons and amaranth yesterday. This year, I'm intent on harvesting amaranth seeds and doing my best to make some edible bread out of the flour! We'll see how it goes. We don't have the biggest garden this year, but we have enough to keep us busy. Been fun, so far!
Those are great nails!
Wow, they both look fantastic! I'm envious of your skills
Genius frog invents accessorizing
Thanks for posting the map! Looks like here in central washington, I am out of luck haha. Better luck next time, I s'pose!
Very cool! I had a blast playing it. Nice that it will be available to a broader audience soon
And I love Peri
It has been a long time since I installed the M0nkrus CC programs, but I remember getting startup errors like this when I lacked the visual c++ prerequisites for premiere, etc. When installing purchased adobe software, it installs all the VC++ libraries it needs, but the M0nkrus installers do not. Might want to check which ones you have, and install the ones that are missing
Very funny, the people who were saying "good luck losing your customers!" Uh, it's FOSS lmao. What customers?