It was a figure of speech, I'm agnostic
joined 3 years ago
Pretty sure companies like Shell still exist. There's still a lot of big polluters who don't want to be held responsible.
God help us, and may the people responsible for this be tried
Bush was worse, due to Iraq, but I still wouldn't say Trump was a massive improvement. He was still an imperialist, like Bush, and almost started a war with Iran
I don't get it either. It's not even like he's the only anti-civ theorist there is, so I don't know why they flock to him. I do understand being interested in him, since he's quite the figure.
EDIT: I do understand he's an entrypoint for anticiv thought for some people, but even then people should grow out of supporting him.
Postal worker
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As an Ajax fan, I'm sad to see him go