This would send my wife off the deep end. Don't do this, Orange Fat Man.
We DO need them, but we don't deserve them. Canada is pretty. I honeymooned in Quebec City.
Trump stole it from a quote by Napoleon, allegedly, so... Not sure if that's better or worse, but at least it's not a Trump original.
He's like a real life, "most interesting man in the world".
God damn it, Cathy, you lush.
I love the vibe in this thread/community. You all seem like real cool cats. I appreciate that.
Wasn't it reported that Warren buffet had like 60% of his wealth in cash? If that's true, Warren Buffet will profit once he buys cheap assets and then the economy recovers.
It'll be auctioned off for $10M to an anonymous Saudi buyer.
Gonna be honest here. I kinda of assume it was awkward before this. Vance has the personality of a bag of frozen shrimp.
"I'm going to embarrass this country in ways you've never thought of." - dRumph, maybe
Are we Great again? This seems like an alpha move. I think we're great again.