
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

It's roughly fifteen minutes to the grocery in town, but thirty to the one with twice the size and selection. Certain items we prefer to pick up in bulk at a store that's forty minutes away, but that trip happens maybe twice a month


After many weeks of low key worry, the state finally got back to us and confirmed that we're licensed to sell plants for another year! This time around there are additional compliance agreements (and fees) that are required but I'm very hopeful about this season. Next step is getting accepted to some new markets we're looking to attend, maybe a festival or two. Now I just need to have the weather play nice so I can be on time for spring shipping and inspections.

Someone gave us a setup for doing puree storage for our almost six month old, so we're looking to add more veggies to the plots for making our own baby food - I would love some suggestions for some veg with interesting colors for her to experience. I've got a carrot medley waiting for the snow to melt, and some awesome purple potatoes, but would love some more ideas!

What's growing on with you all?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

We've got the shoe factory from Jumanji (1995) and the school from the book The Tommyknockers.


This past Tuesday I took our daughter to help organize the seed library, and she was floored by the opportunity to pull apart the seeds from a giant sunflower (she's 4.5 months old). We swapped and categorized a bunch of plants, from annual flowers to veggies and native perennials. I took home some loofah seeds and won't lie - I'm pretty excited to grow them this year.

We're getting snow today so I've been continuing to split and store seeds for our own purposes, with an extra envelope of each to bring to the library. There's a grow tent in the garage that's probably going to be the overflow space for some of our hardier indoor plants so I can devote the grow closet in our hallway to seedlings and starts in the next week.

What's growing on with you all?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Give em a good wash and use them as seed containers, whether for single plant species or for mixes

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

We got ours from a larger farm nearby a few years ago - they had purchased a soy based fertilizer and the distributor didn't have any return/recycle incentives so the farmer was selling them on the cheap. I think we found the guy through the farm & garden craigslist section but I can't really speak to how reliable that is anymore. If you've got a winter farmers market around you it might be worth asking around there (I'm loathe to suggest fb marketplace but if you're already there that might be convenient as well)


Are you planning big changes, or minor tweaks to a working system? Are there new-to-you plants you're excited to try your hand at? Let's share our dreams and goals and inspire each other!

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago (4 children)

We have solar panels and a backup battery for when the grid goes down. Our panels generate more than we generally use (we overbuilt on purpose) but we could run almost indefinitely as long as the panels are clear. There are two totes hooked up to a gutter on the back of our garage which provide 550 gallons of water storage that we use to water gardens and top up our duck pond. The ducks and chickens do most of our insect maintenance in the gardens.

I'm working on additional shelving in our cellar in order to be able to store more of our canning from the gardens; most of the material is reclaimed pallet wood from a nearby business. We've also got two slightly damaged solar panels that I'd like to use to circulate the water in the duck pond - pump and lift to flow through some uphill garden space back down to the pond after it's been filtered by the plants - and to provide some power to the bird coop for water heaters and maybe a light source.


This is possibly my favorite collection of christmas renditions, and is the first set of christmas songs our three month old heard (tonight we'll be listening to Dick Leibert at Radio City circa 1973)

Total runtime is 19m05s

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

Those spare instruments on the walls aren't just for me, you know

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I can see why it's your favorite, this is beautiful

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Probably a double yolk, but that's based on the ~30% increase in weight and with no concrete information on age or breed. Our girls will sometimes lay double yolks of about the same increase in size and weight (even our ducks) but as long as she's eating and drinking normally it's unlikely to be anything to be concerned about.


One of the country's largest health insurers has reversed its decision to no longer pay for anesthesia care in certain states if the surgery or procedure goes beyond a particular time limit. The original move by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, which would have started next year, alarmed doctors and policymakers.

Anthem had said that starting in February it would use metrics — known as Physician Work Time values — from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to "target the number of minutes reported for anesthesia services." "Claims submitted with reported time above the established number of minutes will only pay up to the CMS established amount," it said in a note to New York providers earlier this week.

That would have left patients to shoulder the out-of-pocket costs, which could range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Speaking on condition of anonymity, one officer stated that the current pool of suspects include anyone with any sort of knowledge of UHC's method of making money. "We'll proceed with the operation's scheduling as soon as we receive pre-authorization, but of course," he said, "pre-authorization is obviously not a guarantee that a given service will be covered."

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Thank you 🫂.

We were listening to the album Kerplunk today and she was kicking her knees to the beats, it's definitely my kid 🤣

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

😂 he's got a double coat, and his winter coat is coming in

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

We had to say goodbye to our cat, Maeko, this past Friday. Vet confirmed that her kidney function was dropping, and she had lost over half her body weight in the past two weeks. Meds might have stabilized her but wouldn't have given her much more than another month, and at reduced quality. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since before Thursday, I keep waking up and reaching for her.

She didn't require sedation, so we got to say goodbye to the real her and not someone halfway gone. And she got to go in my lap, getting her belly rubbed just the way she liked and purring. But I'm still hurting, even though I'm glad she doesn't hurt anymore.

Just trying to focus on the positives, like how our eleven week old daughter rolled herself over this evening, has a huge smile for me all the time, and watches my every move when I'm in the room with her no matter what else is happening.


Hey folks, just sharing a video I made (<4 minutes long) during my time transplanting blueberries yesterday. If you decide to watch, thanks!


We're having some trees removed soon (they're dying and leaning towards our house) so today I spent some time carefully relocating some volunteer lowbush blueberry plants from where the heavy machinery will be working.

What's growing on with you all?


[Image description: image of text which reads "I like when men explain basic things to me because in my mind it's not mansplaining, it's more like when a toddler is really excited to tell you about dinosaurs and you're like that's right cutie! You're so smart!! Only one of us is being condescending and it's me", to which Shawn replies "if you have to announce when you're condescending, you're doing it wrong."

OP replies "that's a great observation, Shawn! Great job!" with a heart emoji]


Obligatory pedantry:

We would also accept "soil", since we're talking about the life in the mineral earth


[Image description: a group of people, captioned "all the seeds I'm stratifying for spring", stand uncomfortably close around a woman seated on a couch who is captioned "the butter"]


Today, our gardens were my biggest source of solace and hope, and I hope that yours are comfort for you all as well. I went hard planting more fruit bushes and will be hitting up our town's seed library tomorrow to hedge some bets for next spring.

One of the plant families I went big on this past year is Pycnanthemum - mountain mints. Not only are they a good source of nutrition for pollinators, they have the added benefit of being an abortifacient you can grow on the DL. There are a number of species, not just P. virginianum, so check to see what's endemic to your region and have a patch growing for your local support network <3

What's growing on with you all?

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