The reason why people are protesting the random changing of the name is the vast amount of work it generates. Websites, textbooks, maps, etc. will all have to be updated (and all this accumulates to a couple million dollars). By this logic, “Gulf of the Americas” is just as bad.
Their livelihoods are only at risk because they ignored the cards for the previous five years. If you’re living in the US, and haven’t spread your content out to other platforms by now, you are in that situation because of your own inaction. I refuse to sympathize with people who aren’t capable of simple logic.
The title makes it sound like Apple did this of their own accord. In reality, this was the deadline for no longer selling these devices inside the EU.
I use Tailscale (Taildrop & Taildrive) to send files between my devices no matter where I am. It’s a very simple install (maybe 10 minutes total), and just works.
More like you're not allowed to have fun, even if you pay for it.
Especially for a 1.0 release. I vaguely understood it was music related based on the title, but couldn’t say why I would want to use it.
Considering that Vegapunk is a genius, it’s safe to say that dividers pop out when there are multiple occupants.
Like it or not, but he didn’t cheat. He won by playing the economy card.
People have this false sense of immediacy that causes them to believe that the current president is responsible for the economy from beginning to end of term. What they don’t realize is that the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly; the current president really only begins to affect change after the first year of the presidency. Biden had to recover from the massive sinkhole the pandemic caused, and succeeded. The main problem is that company executives kept their inflated prices, and weren’t forced to do otherwise.
People see this, and jump straight to the conclusion that Biden is responsible for the increase in price of their groceries.
Dedicated discussion posts for the weekly anime episode could help. Currently the manga scans have weekly posts but don’t really receive a lot of comments, as most people comment on the website or on the other site.
Isn’t the whole point of “Discover Weekly” to discover new music? If you’re self-hosted, the only music you’d be accessing is stuff you’ve already liked enough to pay for, so you’re not discovering anything.
Anyone other than the Republican and Democratic nominees are not giving said nominees a “run for their money”, and should be treated exactly as what they are: a distraction.
Absolutely love the lack of regulation for space. Going to love seeing the Google ^tm^ Moon in 50 years.