Nah, also you're never going to lose out on income by making more money.
Like others said, the only possible exception is if you're getting government assistance and get kicked off programs you're in because you went past the cut off. So, as an example, let's say you're low income and you get vouchers for school. You could make enough money that you're no longer eligible for that benefit but the amount you make over the cut off is less than what the benefit was.
But, that's a specific situation. At no time will your taxes increase more than whatever additional income you're getting. Period.
I've tried to explain that too many times now in my life and I'm not even that old. Just a lot of people are bamboozled by propaganda and lies.
Unfortunately for the Americans who didn't vote for Trump we live in a democracy, for now, and enough of my fellow countrymen felt it was a good idea to elect that orange maniac.
But it's not like we all support him or his positions.
I get what you're saying though, my country has done plenty of bad stuff.
Apparently, at least in the USA, president.
Maybe if we paid people living wages they could actually afford childcare. Shit is expensive.
I did say it was a conspiracy theory or whatever you want to call the fantastical delusions my brain dreams up.
A bit of a conspiracy but I kind of believe the reason that guy got so close to shooting Trump is because Trump's security detail probably secretly despise him.
Imagine having to deal with that asshole all the time, at some point you'd just be like, "I'm not risking my life and leaving my family without me for this piece of shit."
I mean I'm sure I'm just being a crazy person and it's a bit of a joke but ... Idk ... Maybe?
Yeah, it's sad. Even worse when reality confronts their fantasy and they keep choosing fantasy.
It's hard to come up with a good analogy. It's kind of like someone watching a crocodile bite their leg off and then hobbling back to the same lagoon so they can get bit again. Then, instead of blaming themselves or the crocodile for the situation, they blame black people.
He lives like a capitalist every single day Shane
Feel free to tell them directly how they're getting fucked, in a polite way of course. Idk if anything will wake those people up from their alternate reality though.
Is this a legend to the five rings card?
Where's the mtg card at, get outta here with your shoddy card game!!
I know that's why I thought it was funny! Got to find the humor in this mess right now. Hoping we can right the ship but right now Trump is steering us into an ice berg full speed ahead